Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
pythagoras, pythagorean, pythagoreans, dream, dreams, daimon, archytas, artemidorus, pletho, hercher, anonymus, burkert, pythagoreanism, aristoxenus, iamblichus, nicomachus, ethos, daimonion, procreationist, procreationism, reproductive, iamblichos, bessarion, croton, tract, gaza, eponumos, philolaus, porphyrius, daimones, sexual_activity, pyth, ocellus, porphyry, charondas, arith, reproduction, beans, timaeus, polemon, symbola, b119, fraqistjan, iambl, philolaos, rosenthal, stob, salmoxis, temperate, thesleff


Pre-Socratic Studies, 1953-1966. Edwin L. Minar, Jr.. The Classical World. (Dec., 1966), pp. 143-163 List themes Full text (200 theme words)
Thinking and Sense-Perception in Empedocles: Mysticism or Materialism?. A. A. Long. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1966), pp. 256-276 List themes Full text (59 theme words)
The "Pythagorean" Theory of the Derivation of Magnitudes. J. A. Philip. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1966), pp. 32-50 List themes Full text (30 theme words)
Die philosophische Stelle im siebten platonischen Brief und die Frage der 'esoterischen' Philosophie Platons. K. von Fritz. Phronesis. (1966), pp. 117-153 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
The Date of the Battle of the Sagra River. Peter Bicknell. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1966), pp. 294-301 List themes Full text (10 theme words)
Porson's Law Extended. L. P. E. Parker. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1966), pp. 1-26 List themes Full text (10 theme words)
Creon and Herodotus. Anthony J. Podlecki. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1966), pp. 359-371 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Version. Tennyson, R. S. Stanier. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1966), pp. 32 List themes Full text (7 theme words)
Variations on a Theme by Augustus. John J. H. Savage. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1966), pp. 431-457 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
The Electra of Sophocles. Charles Paul Segal. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1966), pp. 473-545 List themes Full text (5 theme words)