pythagoras, pythagorean, pythagoreans, dream, dreams, daimon, archytas, artemidorus, pletho, hercher, anonymus, burkert, pythagoreanism, aristoxenus, iamblichus, nicomachus, ethos, daimonion, procreationist, procreationism, reproductive, iamblichos, bessarion, croton, tract, gaza, eponumos, philolaus, porphyrius, daimones, sexual_activity, pyth, ocellus, porphyry, charondas, arith, reproduction, beans, timaeus, polemon, symbola, b119, fraqistjan, iambl, philolaos, rosenthal, stob, salmoxis, temperate, thesleff
Pre-Socratic Studies, 1953-1966. Edwin L. Minar, Jr.. The Classical World. (Dec., 1966), pp. 143-163
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Thinking and Sense-Perception in Empedocles: Mysticism or Materialism?. A. A. Long. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1966), pp. 256-276
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The "Pythagorean" Theory of the Derivation of Magnitudes. J. A. Philip. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1966), pp. 32-50
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Die philosophische Stelle im siebten platonischen Brief und die Frage der 'esoterischen' Philosophie Platons. K. von Fritz. Phronesis. (1966), pp. 117-153
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The Date of the Battle of the Sagra River. Peter Bicknell. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1966), pp. 294-301
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Porson's Law Extended. L. P. E. Parker. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1966), pp. 1-26
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Creon and Herodotus. Anthony J. Podlecki. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1966), pp. 359-371
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Version. Tennyson, R. S. Stanier. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1966), pp. 32
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Variations on a Theme by Augustus. John J. H. Savage. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1966), pp. 431-457
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The Electra of Sophocles. Charles Paul Segal. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1966), pp. 473-545
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