horace, odes, poem, poet, maecenas, carm, poetry, stanza, poems, horatian, lyric, fraenkel, augustus, nisbet, lines, stanzas, epode, hubbard, poetic, epistles, horaz, alcaeus, epodes, line, commager, carmen, plancus, bacchus, theme, epist, lydia, himself, tyndaris, carmina, lollius, poets, tibur, faunus, sabine, soracte, spring, ars_poetica, strophe, vergil, chloe, augustan, teucer, mercury, heinze, cleopatra
The Acta ludorum saecularium quintorum and the Carmen Saeculare of Horace. M. S. Slaughter. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1895), pp. 69-78
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Prof. Christ on the Greek Stage. Edward Capps. Classical Review. (Mar., 1895), pp. 133-136
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The Manuscripts of Propertius. J. P. Postgate. Classical Review. (Mar., 1895), pp. 133
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Horatiana. James Gow. Classical Review. (Jul., 1895), pp. 302-304
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Critical Notes on Clem. Al. 'Strom'. VI. J. B. Mayor. Classical Review. (Jul., 1895), pp. 297-302
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On the Contributions of the Latin Inscriptions to the Study of the Latin Language and Literature. Minton Warren. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1895), pp. 16-27
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Note on Hor. Od. IV. ii. 49. H. F. H.. Classical Review. (Mar., 1895), pp. 110
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Appendix: Proceedings of the Special Session, Philadelphia, Pa., December, 1894. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1895), pp. i-lxxi+i-lxx+lxxii-xcv
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[θερίδιον]. E. J. Chinnock. Classical Review. (Mar., 1895), pp. 110
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Suetonius, Nero, 45. W. Chawner. Classical Review. (Mar., 1895), pp. 109-110
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The Fictitious MSS. of Bosius. Albert C. Clark. Classical Review. (Jun., 1895), pp. 241-247
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Establishment and Extension of the Law of Thurneysen and Havet. I. Lionel Horton-Smith. American Journal of Philology. (1895), pp. 444-467
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Horace, Ep. I vi, 49-52. George N. Olcott. American Journal of Philology. (1895), pp. 78-79
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