horace, odes, poem, poet, maecenas, carm, poetry, stanza, poems, horatian, lyric, fraenkel, augustus, nisbet, lines, stanzas, epode, hubbard, poetic, epistles, horaz, alcaeus, epodes, line, commager, carmen, plancus, bacchus, theme, epist, lydia, himself, tyndaris, carmina, lollius, poets, tibur, faunus, sabine, soracte, spring, ars_poetica, strophe, vergil, chloe, augustan, teucer, mercury, heinze, cleopatra
Note on Strabo, IX. 1. 16 (p. 396). G. C. Richards. Classical Review. (Nov., 1896), pp. 383-384
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Note on Horace, 'Od'. I. 7. Heinrich Lutz. Classical Review. (Nov., 1896), pp. 383
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Notes on Horace. Charles Knapp. Classical Review. (Apr., 1896), pp. 156-157
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Note on Horace 'Carm'. II. 12, 14. J. Stanley. Classical Review. (Apr., 1896), pp. 157-158
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Note on Horace, 'Sat'. I. i. 36. Charles Knapp. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 31-32
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Note on Horace, 'Odes', I. 28. E. S. Thompson. Classical Review. (Oct., 1896), pp. 327-328
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Note on Plato's 'Theaetetus' 171d. George B. Hussey. Classical Review. (Apr., 1896), pp. 156
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Note on Plautus, 'Truculentus' 252. Edwin W. Fay. Classical Review. (Apr., 1896), pp. 155-156
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A Discussion of Catullus LXII., 39-58. Charles Knapp. Classical Review. (Nov., 1896), pp. 365-368
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Note on Themistius' Paraphrase of 'Physics', II. 9. Paul Shorey. Classical Review. (Oct., 1896), pp. 328
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Note on Menaechmi 182 sq. Edwin W. Fay. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 30-31
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Thucydides VI. E. C. M.. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 33
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Note on Horace, 'Carm'. I ii 39. W. E. Heitland. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 33
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Appendix: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Session, Providence, R. I., 1896. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1896), pp. i-ciii
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On Some Difficulties in the Platonic Musical Modes. J. Adam. Classical Review. (Nov., 1896), pp. 378-379
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-īs in the Fut. Perf. Ind. and Perf. Subj. in Latin. John C. Rolfe. Classical Review. (May, 1896), pp. 190-191
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Martianus Capella. John E. B. Mayor. Classical Review. (Nov., 1896), pp. 368
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On the Toga Praetexta of Roman Children. W. Warde Fowler. Classical Review. (Oct., 1896), pp. 317-319
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Tyrtaeus: A Graeco-Roman Tradition. A. W. Verrall. Classical Review. (Jul., 1896), pp. 269-277
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On Certain Passages in Thucydides VI. G. C. Richards. Classical Review. (Nov., 1896), pp. 379-381
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