horace, odes, poem, poet, maecenas, carm, poetry, stanza, poems, horatian, lyric, fraenkel, augustus, nisbet, lines, stanzas, epode, hubbard, poetic, epistles, horaz, alcaeus, epodes, line, commager, carmen, plancus, bacchus, theme, epist, lydia, himself, tyndaris, carmina, lollius, poets, tibur, faunus, sabine, soracte, spring, ars_poetica, strophe, vergil, chloe, augustan, teucer, mercury, heinze, cleopatra
Horace, Odes, II, 7, 9-10. Ludwig Edelstein. American Journal of Philology. (1941), pp. 441-451
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The Gratitude of Horace to Maecenas. Joseph William Hewitt. Classical Journal. (May, 1941), pp. 464-472
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Thomas Gray, Classical Augustan. M. H. Griffin. Classical Journal. (May, 1941), pp. 473-482
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Proceedings: American Philological Association Seventy-Third Annual Meeting and Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Forty-Third Annual Meeting. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1941), pp. i-cii
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Varro Murena. William C. McDermott. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1941), pp. 255-265
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Passages of Catullus, Martial, and Plautus. F. A. Todd. Classical Review. (Sep., 1941), pp. 70-74
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Augustus the Man. Robert S. Rogers. Classical Journal. (May, 1941), pp. 449-463
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Horace, Odes, 3, 5, 13-18. Frank O. Copley. American Journal of Philology. (1941), pp. 87-89
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The Roman Tradition in French Literature. Vera L. Peacock. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1941), pp. 211-218
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Satire in St. Jerome. Mary Elizabeth Pence. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1941), pp. 322-336
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The Background of Valerius Flaccus i. 10. A. Y. Campbell, D. S. Robertson. Classical Review. (Mar., 1941), pp. 25-27
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Vergil, Georgics IV, 453-527. Gilbert Norwood. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1941), pp. 354-355
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Leto's Hand and Tasso's Horace. Frederic Melvin Wheelock. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1941), pp. 99-123
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Catiline in Vergil and in Cicero. John J. Savage. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1941), pp. 225-226
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Martial IX, 15. Wm. Stuart Messer. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1941), pp. 226-229
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Ratio > Race. Leo Spitzer. American Journal of Philology. (1941), pp. 129-143
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Pellitae Oves. Roy C. Flickinger. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1941), pp. 355-356
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