schol, plut, frag, paus, arist, diod, athen, soph, alex, aesch, dion, strabo, pind, suidas, aristoph, fgrhist, hesych, plat, suda, quoted, pollux, apollod, suid, aristot, lycophron, phot, rhod, bibl, fgrh, serv, lucian, herod, photius, clem, eust, plin, apud, steph, cogh, apoll, thuc, strab, scholium, kock, verg, anth, proleg, plato, xxxiv-v, hesychius
Notes from the Greek Seminary. B. L. Gildersleeve. American Journal of Philology. (1882), pp. 193-205
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Etymological Studies. J. P. Postgate. American Journal of Philology. (1882), pp. 329-339
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The Greek New Testament as Published in America. Isaac H. Hall. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1882), pp. 5-34
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The New Revision of King James' Revision of the New Testament. II. Charles Short. American Journal of Philology. (1882), pp. 139-169
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