schol, plut, frag, paus, arist, diod, athen, soph, alex, aesch, dion, strabo, pind, suidas, aristoph, fgrhist, hesych, plat, suda, quoted, pollux, apollod, suid, aristot, lycophron, phot, rhod, bibl, fgrh, serv, lucian, herod, photius, clem, eust, plin, apud, steph, cogh, apoll, thuc, strab, scholium, kock, verg, anth, proleg, plato, xxxiv-v, hesychius
Origines Gentium. Elias J. Bickerman. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1952), pp. 65-81
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The Manuscripts of Aristophanes, Knights (I). D. Mervyn Jones. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1952), pp. 168-185
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A Mirror of Roman Society. Mary A. Sollmann. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1952), pp. 253-260+297-298
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The Riot of A.D. 387 in Antioch: The Role of the Theatrical Claques in the Later Empire. Robert Browning. Journal of Roman Studies. (1952), pp. 13-20
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Military Dust. Edward Echols. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1952), pp. 285-288+297
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Quaint Bits of Antiquity?. Roy P. Fairfield. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1952), pp. 282-285+297
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Apollonius Rhodius as a Narrator in Argonautica 2.1-140. Hermann Fränkel. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1952), pp. 144-155
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ΚΙΣΣΥΒΙΟΝ. A. M. Dale. Classical Review. (Dec., 1952), pp. 129-132
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Muses and Sirens. J. R. T. Pollard. Classical Review. (Jun., 1952), pp. 60-63
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"Dancing Herds of Animals". Lillian B. Lawler. Classical Journal. (May, 1952), pp. 317-324
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The Chalcidians in Thrace. Donald W. Bradeen. American Journal of Philology. (1952), pp. 356-380
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Petronius and the Emperors, II: Pax Palamedes!. Richard H. Crum. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 10, 1952), pp. 197-201
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Maeonides and Poverty: An Annotation. Eugene S. McCartney. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1952), pp. 30-33
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Adelard, Aristotle, and the De natura deorum. Theodore Silverstein. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1952), pp. 82-86
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Three Centuries of Hellenistic Terracottas. Dorothy Burr Thompson. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1952), pp. 116-164
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On the Exegetes and the Mantic or Manic Chresmologians. James H. Oliver. American Journal of Philology. (1952), pp. 406-413
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On an Inscription from Phistyon in Aetolia (S B Berlin 1936, 367 ff.). Francis W. Schehl. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1952), pp. 9-19
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Some Res Militares, Ancient and Modern. Edward C. Echols. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 7, 1952), pp. 85-86
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Metaphors of Death in the Phaedo. Dorothy Tarrant. Classical Review. (Jun., 1952), pp. 64-66
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The Altar of Pity in the Athenian Agora. Homer A. Thompson. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1952), pp. 47-82
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Orpheus and Eurydice. C. M. Bowra. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1952), pp. 113-126
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Some Other Explanations of Martial. A. Hudson-Williams. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1952), pp. 27-31
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The Wrath of Oepidus. T. G. Rosenmeyer. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1952), pp. 92-112
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Classical Culture in a Changing World. Emilie Margaret White. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 7, 1952), pp. 81-85
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Prophasis and Aitia. Lionel Pearson. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1952), pp. 205-223
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Horace, C., I, 3. J. P. Elder. American Journal of Philology. (1952), pp. 140-158
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Cyrene and the Panhellenion. J. A. O. Larsen. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1952), pp. 7-16
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