schol, plut, frag, paus, arist, diod, athen, soph, alex, aesch, dion, strabo, pind, suidas, aristoph, fgrhist, hesych, plat, suda, quoted, pollux, apollod, suid, aristot, lycophron, phot, rhod, bibl, fgrh, serv, lucian, herod, photius, clem, eust, plin, apud, steph, cogh, apoll, thuc, strab, scholium, kock, verg, anth, proleg, plato, xxxiv-v, hesychius
Notes on Stoning among the Greeks and Romans. Arthur Stanley Pease. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1907), pp. 5-18
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The Meaning of Parachoregema. Kelley Rees. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1907), pp. 387-400
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CΥΚΟϕΑΝΤΗC. Arthur Bernard Cook. Classical Review. (Aug., 1907), pp. 133-136
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Boyhood and Youth in the Days of Aristophanes. Arthur Alexis Bryant. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1907), pp. 73-122
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The Stele Inscription in the Roman Forum. Minton Warren. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 373-400
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The Criticism of Photius on the Attic Orators. La Rue van Hook. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1907), pp. 41-47
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The "More Ancient Dionysia" at Athens-Thucydides II. 15. Edward Capps. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1907), pp. 25-42
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Choriambic Dimeter and the Rehabilitation of the Antispast. Paul Shorey. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1907), pp. 57-88
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The Homeridae. T. W. Allen. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1907), pp. 135-143
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Greek Literature as Illustrating History. Walter S. Hett. Classical Review. (Aug., 1907), pp. 131-133
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The Meaning of οὐδὲν δέο μαι. Paul Shorey. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1907), pp. 171-172
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Cicero Ad familiares vii. 13. Max Radin. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1907), pp. 172-173
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Epigraphical Problems in the History of Attic Comedy. Edward Capps. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 179-199
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Varia. H. Richards. Classical Review. (Nov., 1907), pp. 197-199
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Enoplic Metre in Greek Comedy. John Williams White. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1907), pp. 419-443
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The Interrelations of the Greek Dialects. Carl Darling Buck. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1907), pp. 241-276
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The Idle Actor in Aeschylus. James Turney Allen. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1907), pp. 268-272
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Latin Influence on Greek Orthography. A. N. Jannaris. Classical Review. (May, 1907), pp. 67-72
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Study of a Proverb Attributed to the Rhetor Apollonius. George Dwight Kellogg. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 301-310
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ϵϲΤώϲ or ϵϲΤοϲ?. Samuel Grant Oliphant. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 419-423
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A New Orphic Papyrus. T. W. Allen. Classical Review. (Jun., 1907), pp. 97-100
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On the Costume of the Greek Tragic Actor in the Fifth Century B. C.. James Turney Allen. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1907), pp. 226-228
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Stylistic Tests and the Chronology of the Works of Boethius. Arthur Patch McKinlay. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1907), pp. 123-156
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Soph. Electr. 724. Herbert W. Greene. Classical Review. (Aug., 1907), pp. 136-137
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Studies in the First Book of the Aeneid. W. H. Kirk. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 311-323
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The Lucretian Invocation of Venus. George Depue Hadzsits. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1907), pp. 187-192
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A Few Notes on the Satires of Persius with Special Reference to the Purport and Position of the Prologue. Persius, Alfred Pretor. Classical Review. (May, 1907), pp. 72-75
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Proceedings of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association Held at Chicago, Illinois, December, 1907 Also of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held at San Francisco, California December, 1907. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1907), pp. i-lxxxii
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Hippokleides' Dance. Arthur Bernard Cook. Classical Review. (Sep., 1907), pp. 169-170
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A Tyrrhenian Amphora in Philadelphia. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1907), pp. 429-440
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Nomen Omen. Arthur Bernard Cook. Classical Review. (Sep., 1907), pp. 169
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On Sophocles, Antigone 368. F. Granger. Classical Review. (Dec., 1907), pp. 234
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The Digamma, Koppa, and Sampi as Numerals in Greek. A. N. Jannaris. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1907), pp. 37-40
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The Stele Inscription in the Roman Forum. Minton Warren. American Journal of Philology. (1907), pp. 249-272
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Demosthenes and St. Luke. Alex Leeper. Classical Review. (Dec., 1907), pp. 234
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The Distribution of Oriental Cults in the Gauls and the Germanies. Clifford H. Moore. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1907), pp. 109-150
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Parallel to Lucretius IV. 588. N. H.. Classical Review. (Dec., 1907), pp. 234
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An Aratvs Fragment in the British Museum [An Aratus Fragment in the British Museum]. H. I. Bell. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1907), pp. 1-3
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On Four Passages of Pindar. H. W. Garrod. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1907), pp. 144-147
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Versvs Ovidi de Piscibvs et Feris [Versus Ouidi de Piscibus et Feris]. A. E. Housman. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1907), pp. 275-278
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Lysippus as a Worker in Marble. Walter Woodburn Hyde. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1907), pp. 396-416
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Lvciliana [Luciliana]. A. E. Housman. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1907), pp. 53-74
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