hesych, aesch, arist, anon, pind, crusius, aristoph, soph, anth, pelagonius, migne, frag, petr, medial, compounds, physiog, pseud, hipp, polycrat, adamant, anthol, carm, kock, prov, herodian, schol, greg, menand, plat, adesp, hier, apostol, cypr, nonn, eustath, proverbs, otto, koum, apoll, trag, alcuin, collection, nauck, philox, alkm, aristaen, chir, tzetz, weak, theod
Remarks on Vol. II of Kock's Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta. R. Ellis. American Journal of Philology. (1885), pp. 285-295
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The Reduction of ei to ī in Homer. Herbert Weir Smyth. American Journal of Philology. (1885), pp. 419-450
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Arm-Pitting among the Greeks. George Lyman Kittredge. American Journal of Philology. (1885), pp. 151-169
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Greek and Latin Inscriptions from Palestine. Frederic D. Allen. American Journal of Philology. (1885), pp. 190-216
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On the So-Called Genitive Absolute and Its Use Especially in the Attic Orators. Edward H. Spieker. American Journal of Philology. (1885), pp. 310-343
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Four Etymological Notes. Maurice Bloomfield. American Journal of Philology. (1885), pp. 41-52
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