hesych, aesch, arist, anon, pind, crusius, aristoph, soph, anth, pelagonius, migne, frag, petr, medial, compounds, physiog, pseud, hipp, polycrat, adamant, anthol, carm, kock, prov, herodian, schol, greg, menand, plat, adesp, hier, apostol, cypr, nonn, eustath, proverbs, otto, koum, apoll, trag, alcuin, collection, nauck, philox, alkm, aristaen, chir, tzetz, weak, theod
Sophoclea III. A. C. Pearson. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1929), pp. 164-176
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An Unrecognized Fragment of Hyginus, Fabvlae. [An Unrecognized Fragment of Hyginus, Fabulae]. H. J. Rose. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1929), pp. 96-99
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Sophoclea II. A. C. Pearson. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1929), pp. 87-95
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