hesych, aesch, arist, anon, pind, crusius, aristoph, soph, anth, pelagonius, migne, frag, petr, medial, compounds, physiog, pseud, hipp, polycrat, adamant, anthol, carm, kock, prov, herodian, schol, greg, menand, plat, adesp, hier, apostol, cypr, nonn, eustath, proverbs, otto, koum, apoll, trag, alcuin, collection, nauck, philox, alkm, aristaen, chir, tzetz, weak, theod
Herondaea. John Henry Wright. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1893), pp. 169-200
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"Extended" and "Remote" Deliberatives in Greek. William Gardner Hale. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1893), pp. 156-205
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Varia. Herbert Richards. Classical Review. (Feb., 1893), pp. 19
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Emendations in Lysias. Mortimer Lamson Earle. Classical Review. (Feb., 1893), pp. 19-20
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Notes on Aeschylus and Euripides. C. J. Brennan. Classical Review. (Feb., 1893), pp. 18-19
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The Tragedy Rhesus. John C. Rolfe. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1893), pp. 61-97
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Suggestions on Some Epigrams of the Third Volume of Didot's Edition of the Anthologia Palatina. Robinson Ellis. American Journal of Philology. (1893), pp. 350-361
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Appendix: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Session, Chicago, Ill., 1893. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1893), pp. i-lxxv
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Corrections and Additions to Lewis and Short in Connection with Aulus Gellius. Charles Knapp. American Journal of Philology. (1893), pp. 216-225
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Remarks on the Text of Herodas. Walter Headlam. Classical Review. (Jul., 1893), pp. 313-314
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Notes on Liddell and Scott's Lexicon. Alexander Leeper. Classical Review. (Feb., 1893), pp. 71-73
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Notes. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1893), pp. 201-209
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