cicero, clodius, trial, asconius, verres, prosecution, caelius, verr, clodia, milo, speech, court, drusus, appian, extortion, quaestio, courts, equites, gracchus, trials, caelio, roscius, bribery, repetundarum, jurors, jury, lege, scaurus, maiestas, iudices, laws, sulla, ambitus, rutilius, caepio, manilius, passage, prosecuted, mommsen, equestrian, charges, badian, gallius, oppianicus, glaucia, prosecutor, repetundis, servilia, praetor, defense
Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Session of the American Philological Association Held at Schenectady, N. Y., July, 1902, Also of the Session of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held at San Francisco, Cal., Dec., 1901. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1902), pp. i-clvi
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The Cluni Codex of Cicero. W. Peterson. Classical Review. (Nov., 1902), pp. 401-406
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The Comet of Calpurnius Siculus. J. P. Postgate. Classical Review. (Feb., 1902), pp. 38-40
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The Duenos Inscription. George Hempl. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1902), pp. 150-169
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The British Museum MSS of Juvenal. E. O. Winstedt. Classical Review. (Feb., 1902), pp. 40-46
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The Politics of the Patrician Claudii. George Converse Fiske. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1902), pp. 1-59
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Ciceronian Use of Nam and Enim. Paul O. Barendt. Classical Review. (May, 1902), pp. 203-209
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On the First Ode of Horace. Mortimer Lamson Earle. Classical Review. (Nov., 1902), pp. 398-401
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