cicero, clodius, trial, asconius, verres, prosecution, caelius, verr, clodia, milo, speech, court, drusus, appian, extortion, quaestio, courts, equites, gracchus, trials, caelio, roscius, bribery, repetundarum, jurors, jury, lege, scaurus, maiestas, iudices, laws, sulla, ambitus, rutilius, caepio, manilius, passage, prosecuted, mommsen, equestrian, charges, badian, gallius, oppianicus, glaucia, prosecutor, repetundis, servilia, praetor, defense
Emendations of Cicero's Verrines. W. Peterson. Classical Review. (May, 1903), pp. 198-202
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Adnotamenta in Papyros Musei Britannici Graecas Maximam Partem Lexicographica. II. Guilelmus Crönert. Classical Review. (May, 1903), pp. 193-198
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Magister Curiae in Plautus's Aulularia 107. Henry W. Prescott. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1903), pp. 41-48
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Certain Sources of Corruption in Latin Manuscripts: A Study Based upon Two Manuscripts of Livy: Codex Puteanus (Fifth Century), and Its Copy Codex Reginensis 762 (Ninth Century). F. W. Shipley. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1903), pp. 1-25
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Observations on the Fourth Eclogue of Virgil. W. Warde Fowler. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1903), pp. 17-35
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Vica Pota. Charles Hoeing. American Journal of Philology. (1903), pp. 323-326
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Virgil's Aeneas. T. R. Glover. Classical Review. (Feb., 1903), pp. 34-42
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The Modes of Conditional Thought. H. C. Nutting. American Journal of Philology. (1903), pp. 278-303
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