cicero, clodius, trial, asconius, verres, prosecution, caelius, verr, clodia, milo, speech, court, drusus, appian, extortion, quaestio, courts, equites, gracchus, trials, caelio, roscius, bribery, repetundarum, jurors, jury, lege, scaurus, maiestas, iudices, laws, sulla, ambitus, rutilius, caepio, manilius, passage, prosecuted, mommsen, equestrian, charges, badian, gallius, oppianicus, glaucia, prosecutor, repetundis, servilia, praetor, defense
The Latin Law of Bantia. E. J. Yarnold. American Journal of Philology. (1957), pp. 163-172
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Roman History, 58-56 B.C.: Three Ciceronian Problems. J. P. V. D. Balsdon. Journal of Roman Studies. (1957), pp. 15-20
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The Lex Fufia of 59 B. C.. C. MacDonald. Classical Review. (Dec., 1957), pp. 198
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Thucydides ii. 4. 4. H. J. Dixon. Classical Review. (Dec., 1957), pp. 198
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A Joke about Conscription. A. F. Giles. Classical Review. (Dec., 1957), pp. 198-199
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Three Passages from Asconius. P. A. Brunt. Classical Review. (Dec., 1957), pp. 193-195
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Pliny's Praetorship Again. A. N. Sherwin-White. Journal of Roman Studies. (1957), pp. 126-130
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Caepio and Norbanus: Notes on the Decade 100-90 B.C.. E. Badian. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jul., 1957), pp. 318-346
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Satyricon 95-96. Henry T. Rowell. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1957), pp. 217-227
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The Legislation of Spurius Thorius: Corrigenda. A. E. Douglas. American Journal of Philology. (1957), pp. 89
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Some Notes on Cicero's Letters to Trebatius. Eduard Fraenkel. Journal of Roman Studies. (1957), pp. 66-70
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Sociologia del mondo etrusco e problemi della tarda etruscita. Santo Mazzarino. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jan., 1957), pp. 98-122
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Etruscan and Roman Roads in Southern Etruria. J. B. Ward Perkins. Journal of Roman Studies. (1957), pp. 139-143
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Rome and the Ager Pergamenus: The Acta of 129 B.C.. Gianfranco Tibiletti. Journal of Roman Studies. (1957), pp. 136-138
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The Religio of Lucretius. Herbert M. Howe. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1957), pp. 329-333
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The Great Earthquake in Lacedaemon. Raphael Sealey. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jul., 1957), pp. 368-371
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Narration in Hellenistic and Roman Art. Peter H. von Blanckenhagen. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1957), pp. 78-83
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