language, words, effect, literary, poet, expression, tone, contrast, speech, passages, reader, manner, poetry, himself, rhetorical, passage, dramatic, prose, poetic, uses, technique, lines, characteristic, theme, writing, treatment, makes, serious, kind, familiar, simple, striking, composition, narrative, qualities, diction, parody, appropriate, device, merely, content, criticism, characters, phrase, artistic, speeches, irony, stylistic, impression, mind
Theopompus in the Greek Literary Critics. W. Rhys Roberts. Classical Review. (Jun., 1908), pp. 118-122
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Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association Held at Toronto, Canada, December, 1908 Also of the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held at San Francisco, California November, 1908. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1908), pp. i-civ
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Virgil and Virgilianism: A Study of the Minor Poems Attributed to Virgil. J. W. Mackail. Classical Review. (May, 1908), pp. 65-73
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The Verse-Weighing Scene in the Frogs of Aristophanes. A. W. Verrall. Classical Review. (Sep., 1908), pp. 172-175
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Contributions to the Study of the Ninth Book of Livy. William B. Anderson. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1908), pp. 89-103
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The Paeans of Pindar and Other New Literature. (Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Part V.). A. W. Verrall. Classical Review. (Jun., 1908), pp. 110-118
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Notes and Queries on Utopias in Plautus. Henry W. Prescott. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 55-68
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Three Bronze Tripods Belonging to James Loeb, ESQ.. George H. Chase. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1908), pp. 287-323
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The Originality of Latin Literature. Charles Knapp. Classical Journal. (May, 1908), pp. 251-260
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Some Differences between Speech-Scansion and Narrative-Scansion in Homeric Verse. J. A. J. Drewitt. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1908), pp. 94-109
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Sappho and Phaon. Clyde Furst. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 1, 1908), pp. 114-116
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The Legal Setting of Plato's Apology. Robert J. Bonner. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1908), pp. 169-177
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Stahl's Syntax of the Greek Verb: First Article. Basil L. Gildersleeve. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 257-279
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The Originality of Latin Literature. II. Charles Knapp. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1908), pp. 299-307
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The Originality of Vergil. E. R.. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 19, 1908), pp. 77-79
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How Far Does the Word-Order in Latin Indicate the Proper Emphasis?. John Greene. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 3, 1908), pp. 2-4
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Latin Composition in the College. Harold L. Cleasby. The Classical Weekly. (May 23, 1908), pp. 226-228
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Stahl's Syntax of the Greek Verb. Second Article. Basil L. Gildersleeve. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 389-409
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The Authorship and the Date of the Double Letters in Ovid's Heroides. Sereno Burton Clark. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1908), pp. 121-155
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Horace's Propempticon to Virgil. G. L. Hendrickson. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1908), pp. 100-104
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Some Xenophon Problems and Recent Xenophon Literature. George Depue Hadzsits. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1908), pp. 211-220
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Virgil and the Drama. Part II. E. K. Rand. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1908), pp. 51-61
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Latin versus the Classics (Concluded). Allan P. Ball. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 15, 1908), pp. 130-132
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The Translation of Latin. E. Cutler Shedd. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 11, 1908), pp. 90-91
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The Topical Method in the Study of Vergil. Frank J. Miller. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1908), pp. 141-149
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The Olympian Council House and Council. Louis Dyer. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1908), pp. 1-60
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The Eumenides at Berkeley. A. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 4, 1908), pp. 181
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Richard Heinze's Lecture. E. R.. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 18, 1908), pp. 102
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Virgil's Fourth Eclogue.-An Over-Looked Source. Robert T. Kerlin. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 449-460
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How Far Does the Word-Order in Latin Indicate the Proper Emphasis? (Continued). John Greene. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 10, 1908), pp. 10-13
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Archaeological Discussions. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1908), pp. 445-493
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Ulpian Ο ΚΕΙΤΟϒΚΕΙΤΟΣ. The Influence of the Stoic Theory of Style in Athenaeus. Charles N. Smiley. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 322-328
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The Value of the Vestal Statues as Originals. Esther Boise van Deman. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1908), pp. 324-342
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Professor S. A. Naber on Apollonivs Rhodivs [Professor S. A. Naber on Apollonius Rhodius]. R. C. Seaton. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1908), pp. 16-21
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Some Spurious Inscriptions and Their Authors. Frank Frost Abbott. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1908), pp. 22-30
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Notes and Emendations to Seneca's Letters. Walter C. Summers. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1908), pp. 22-30
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Two Editions of Manilivs. (With Some Notes on Books I. and II) [Two Editions of Manilius. (With Some Notes on Books I. and II)]. H. W. Garrod. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1908), pp. 123-131
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[Editorial: What Kind of Language Study Aids in the Mastery of Natural Science]. Gonzalez Lodge. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 1, 1908), pp. 113-114
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Two Notes on Latin Satire. George Converse Fiske. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1908), pp. 337-340
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The Point of an Emperor's Jest. Duane Reed Stuart. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1908), pp. 59-64
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Quid Times? Caesarem Vehis. M.. Classical Review. (May, 1908), pp. 79-80
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The Place of Arbitration and Mediation in Ancient Systems of International Ethics. Louise E. Matthaei. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1908), pp. 241-264
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Οὐ φροντίς 'Ιπποκλείδῃ. J. E. R. Allen. Classical Review. (May, 1908), pp. 100
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Archaeological Discussions. James M. Paton. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1908), pp. 211-262
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Archaeological News. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1908), pp. 351-394
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Codrus's Chiron and a Painting from Herculaneum. Francis W. Kelsey. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1908), pp. 30-38
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Comment on Waste and Destruction of Useful Antiquities. K. T. Frost. Classical Review. (May, 1908), pp. 99-100
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'Etymology of Folium'. T. Hudson Williams. Classical Review. (May, 1908), pp. 100
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Summary. E. R.. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 1, 1908), pp. 118
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On the Claudian Invasion of Britain. H. G. Evelyn-White. Classical Review. (Nov., 1908), pp. 204-208
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Livy i, 26 and the Supplicium de More Maiorum. William A. Oldfather. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1908), pp. 49-72
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The Latinity Fetish. Karl P. Harrington. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 29, 1908), pp. 138-141
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A Passage of Pindar Reconsidered. W. J. Goodrich. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1908), pp. 31-33
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Mr. Asquith on Classical Culture. H. H. Asquith. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 19, 1908), pp. 74-77
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Master Vergil. Charles S. Baldwin. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 31, 1908), pp. 36-37
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An Experiment in University Education. E. A. Sonnenschein. Classical Review. (Sep., 1908), pp. 169-171
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The Teaching of Latin in Grammar Schools. Frank Jones. Classical Review. (Mar., 1908), pp. 33-36
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The Plot of Menander's Epitrepontes. Edward Capps. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 410-431
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The Need of a Revision of Latin Instruction (Concluded). Jared W. Scudder. The Classical Weekly. (May 16, 1908), pp. 219-220
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Notes on Latin Synizesis. Robert S. Radford. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1908), pp. 153-168
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On the Pronominal Use of ὁ αὐτός in Plato. J. Elmore. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1908), pp. 184-189
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Cicero: Pro Sulla 18, 52. H. C. Nutting. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 316-321
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Gods in the Eclogues and the Arcadian Club. R. W. R.. Classical Review. (Mar., 1908), pp. 40-43
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The Boeotian Constitution. W. A. Goligher. Classical Review. (May, 1908), pp. 80-82
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The Epic Cycle. T. W. Allen. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1908), pp. 64-74
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The εἰ γάρ Wishes. Geneva Misener. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1908), pp. 137-144
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When Did Caesar Write His Commentaries on the Civil War?. W. Warde Fowler. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1908), pp. 129-136
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Note on the Country Festival in Tibullus II. i. W. Warde Fowler, J. P. Postgate. Classical Review. (Mar., 1908), pp. 36-40
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Virgil's Georgics and the British Poets. Wilfred P. Mustard. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 1-32
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Books Available for the Study of the History of Greek and Latin Sounds and Inflections. Richard Wellington Husband. Classical Journal. (May, 1908), pp. 271-276
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The Propitiation of Zeus. Joseph William Hewitt. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1908), pp. 61-120
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The Semantics of Modal Constructions: II. Nulla Causast Quin Det. Tenney Frank. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1908), pp. 1-21
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Correspondence. Allan P. Ball, Barclay W. Bradley, W. O. Wiley. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 14, 1908), pp. 158-159
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Lucretius' Attitude Towards Children. Andrew Oliver. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 21, 1908), pp. 162-163
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Accentual Clausulae in Greek Prose of the First and Second Centuries of our Era. G. L. Hendrickson. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 280-302
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Catvllvs IIb [Catullus IIb]. Walton Brooks McDaniel. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1908), pp. 166-169
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Note on the Introductory Epistle to the Eighth Book of Caesar's Gallic War. J. S. Reid. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1908), pp. 441-445
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Contraction in the Case Forms of Deus and Meus, is and Idem. A Study of Contraction in Latin io- and Eo-, iā- and Eā- Stems. Robert S. Radford. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 336-341
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ϒΠΟΚΡΙΤΗΣ and ΤΡΑΓΩΙΔΟΣ in Schol. Dem. De Pace 6. Edward Capps. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 206-211
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Juno in the Aeneid. Banks J. Wildman. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 24, 1908), pp. 26-29
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The Word-Group Accent in Latin Hexameter. Albert Granger Harkness. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1908), pp. 39-58
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Cretan Excavations. Janet Case. Classical Review. (May, 1908), pp. 74-79
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The Beacon Speech in the Agamemnon. F. Melian Stawell. Classical Review. (Mar., 1908), pp. 44
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The Greek Dictys. Nathaniel E. Griffin. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 329-335
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Sigmatism in Greek Dramatic Poetry. John A. Scott. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 69-77
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The Ancient Religions in Universal History. Grant Showerman. American Journal of Philology. (1908), pp. 156-171
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The Senate under Avgvstvs [The Senate under Augustus]. J. C. Stobart. Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1908), pp. 296-303
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Notes on a Certain Use of the Reed, with Special Reference to Some Doubtful Passages. Campbell Bonner. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1908), pp. 35-48
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The Excavations in Crete and What They Mean for the Student. Glanville Terrell. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1908), pp. 129-140
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Recent Literature on Comparative Philology. E. H. Sturtevant. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 21, 1908), pp. 50-52
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Caesar's Bridge over the Rhine. E. Kitson Clark. Classical Review. (Aug., 1908), pp. 144-147
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Euripides Unbound. J. F. Dobson. Classical Review. (Nov., 1908), pp. 211-213
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Principles of Teaching Latin (Continued). H. May Johnson. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 12, 1908), pp. 66-67
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Livy's Use of Neque and Neve with an Imperative or Subjunctive. Emory B. Lease. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1908), pp. 302-315
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[Editorial: The Viva Voce Method of Teaching Classics]. Gonzalez Lodge. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 25, 1908), pp. 193-194
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Pericles and Cleon in Thucydides. F. Melian Stawell. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1908), pp. 41-46
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Dorothevs of Sidon [Dorotheus of Sidon]. A. E. Housman. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1908), pp. 47-63
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What the College and the University Ought to Do for the Student in Latin. Arthur H. Harrop. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1908), pp. 69-78
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