language, words, effect, literary, poet, expression, tone, contrast, speech, passages, reader, manner, poetry, himself, rhetorical, passage, dramatic, prose, poetic, uses, technique, lines, characteristic, theme, writing, treatment, makes, serious, kind, familiar, simple, striking, composition, narrative, qualities, diction, parody, appropriate, device, merely, content, criticism, characters, phrase, artistic, speeches, irony, stylistic, impression, mind
Some Tragic Influences in the Thesmophoriazusae of Aristophanes. Harold W. Miller. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 171-182
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Aristotle on Metaphor. William C. Greene. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 14, 1946), pp. 94-95
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Aristotle's Conception of Language and the Arts of Language. Richard McKeon. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1946), pp. 193-206
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The 'Penguin' 'Odyssey'. Bertram Newman. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1946), pp. 119-124
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Greek Biography before Plutarch. A. S. Osley. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1946), pp. 7-20
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Imagery in Plato's Republic. Dorothy Tarrant. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1946), pp. 27-34
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The Lyre and the Whetstone: Horatius Redivivus. Elizabeth Hazelton Haight. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1946), pp. 135-142
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Aeneid IV: Tragedy or Melodrama?. H. L. Tracy. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1946), pp. 199-202
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Colloquialisms, Semi-Proverbs, and Word-Play in Plato. Dorothy Tarrant. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1946), pp. 109-117
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Revitalizing Beginners' Greek through Homer. Raymond V. Schoder. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1946), pp. 254-265
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Sarcophagi and Symbolism. Arthur Darby Nock, J. D. Beazley. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 140-170
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Virgil's Road to Xanadu. (1) The Poet of the Orpheus-Fantasy. E. A. Havelock. The Phoenix. (1946 - 1947), pp. 3-8
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The Middle Voice in the de Senectute. Edith Frances Claflin. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 193-221
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Comedy and the Comic Poets in the Greek Epigram. John M. Raines. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 83-102
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Anouilh's Antigone. Rosamund E. Deutsch. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1946), pp. 14-17
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Character Portrayal in Early Roman Tragedy. William Charles Korfmacher. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 29, 1946), pp. 162-167
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Seventy-Eighth Annual Meeting, Rochester, N. Y., Dec. 26-28, 1946. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 317-348
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An Alexandrian Prototype of Marathus. Christopher M. Dawson. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 1-15
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The Adultery Mime. R. W. Reynolds. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1946), pp. 77-84
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Portrait of a Dancer. Lillian B. Lawler. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1946), pp. 241-247
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On Some Post-Classical Greek Architectural Terms. Glanville Downey. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 22-34
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The Masters of the Pergamon Gigantomachy. Diether Thimme. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1946), pp. 345-357
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Aristophanes and Euripides. R. E. Wycherley. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1946), pp. 98-107
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The Chips That Were Left. John Paul Pritchard. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 15, 1946), pp. 154-157
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Horace's Use of Concrete Examples. E. Adelaide Hahn. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 7, 1946), pp. 82-86
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Achaemenian Sculpture. Henri Frankfort. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 6-14
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Julius Caesar as a Man of Letters. Charles Christopher Mierow. Classical Journal. (May, 1946), pp. 353-357
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Aristotle on Aesthetic Pleasure. H. L. Tracy. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1946), pp. 43-46
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Hesiod and Aratus. Howard N. Porter. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 158-170
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An Etruscan Mirror in Berkeley. Giacinto Matteucig. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 60-66
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A Special Course for Beginners in Greek. H. K. Hunt. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1946), pp. 81-91
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The Education of Heirs in the Julio-Claudian Family. Enid Rifner Parker. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 29-50
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Choes. Semni Papaspyridi Karouzou. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 122-139
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'Counterpoint' in English and Latin Verse. J. D. Craig. Classical Review. (Apr., 1946), pp. 14-17
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Notes on the Caesars of Julian. Roger Pack. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 151-157
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Character Portrayal in Plato's "Lysis". Robert George Hoerber. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1946), pp. 271-273
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The "Volatilization" of Peregrinus Proteus. Roger Pack. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 334-345
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Notes on Some Passages in the Second Book of Aristotle's Physics. W. K. C. Guthrie. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1946), pp. 70-76
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Ring Aryballoi. P. N. Ure. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 38-50
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The Political Views of Horace. E. T. Salmon. The Phoenix. (1946 - 1947), pp. 7-14
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Latin and Greek in French Canada. Maurice Lebel. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1946), pp. 320-322
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Pindar and Some Animal Dances. Lillian B. Lawler. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1946), pp. 155-159
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The Text and Interpretation of the Theodosian Code 7, 20, 2. Clyde Pharr. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 16-28
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Shakespeare and St. Jerome. Leo M. Kaiser. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1946), pp. 219-220
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Claudian's In Rufinum and the Rhetorical ΨὀΥΟς. Harry L. Levy. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 57-65
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Hippolytus. D. W. Lucas. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1946), pp. 65-69
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Callimachus and Aristotle: An Inquiry into Callimachus' ΠΡΟΣ ΠΡΑΞΙΦΑΝΗΝ. K. O. Brink. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1946), pp. 11-26
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The Quotations from Aelius Aristeides in Olympiodorus' Commentary on Plato's Gorgias. Friedrich Walter Lenz. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 103-128
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The Case of the Poisoned Mushrooms. Gilbert Bagnani. The Phoenix. (1946 - 1947), pp. 15-20
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Man's "Ephemeros" Nature According to Pindar and Others. Hermann Fränkel. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 131-145
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Studs Lonigan and Oedipus. Hazel Toliver. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1946), pp. 145-150
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Some Proposals for Changes in the Text of Martin of Braga's De Ira. Charles Sanford Rayment. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 346-358
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Virgil, Georg. iii. 116-17. W. H. Semple. Classical Review. (Sep., 1946), pp. 61-63
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On the Pre-History in Diodorus. Gregory Vlastos. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 51-59
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The Garden of Ptolemagrius at Panopolis. C. Bradford Welles. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 192-206
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Iste Deiktikon in the Early Roman Dramatists. Ruth Mildred Keller. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 261-316
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Horace's Use of Concrete Examples (Concluded). E. Adelaide Hahn. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 14, 1946), pp. 90-94
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Architectural Studies Concerning the Acropolis of Athens. Gorham P. Stevens. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1946), pp. 73-106
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Greeks in Persia. Gisela M. A. Richter. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 15-30
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AN with the Future. A. C. Moorhouse. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1946), pp. 1-10
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Nero's Ghost Writer. Charles A. Messner. Classical Journal. (May, 1946), pp. 374-375
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My Lady's Toilet. F. T. Walton. Greece & Rome. (May, 1946), pp. 68-73
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Numidian Horsemen on Canosa Vases. M. Rostovtzeff. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1946), pp. 263-267
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Choes and Chytroi. Henry R. Immerwahr. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 245-260
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Can We Moderns Write Tragedy?. Alfred Cary Schlesinger. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 1-21
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Livia and the Roman Imperial Cult. Gertrude Grether. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 222-252
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Martianus Capella and the Cosmic System of the Etruscans. Stefan Weinstock. Journal of Roman Studies. (1946), pp. 101-129
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Nihil est quod latine dici non possit. Goodwin B. Beach. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 2, 1946), pp. 42-45
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Material on the Cult of Sarapis. Dorothy Kent Hill. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 60-72
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The Mirror of the Saronic Gulf. J. A. K. Thomson. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1946), pp. 56-59
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Antigone and French Resistance. Edmund G. Berry. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1946), pp. 17-18
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Forty-Eighth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1946), pp. 401-404
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Recent Archaeological Discoveries in Rome and Italy. G. Lugli. Journal of Roman Studies. (1946), pp. 1-17
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Versificator Quam Poeta Melior?. William Hardy Alexander. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1946), pp. 219
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Latin for Beginners. A Fifth Form Master. Greece & Rome. (Jan., 1946), pp. 21-29
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An Ancient Instance of Tax Forgiveness. Charles S. Rayment. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 14, 1946), pp. 96
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Archaeological Digest. Stephen B. Luce, Alexei Okladnikov. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1946), pp. 405-420
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Latin and the Curriculum. Harold B. Dunkel. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1946), pp. 19-22
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Pindar Olympian 9. 100-112. Richmond Lattimore. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1946), pp. 230-232
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The 'Gentleman' as the Romans Knew Him. William Charles Korfmacher. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 18, 1946), pp. 138-141
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A Fourth-Century Bronze Hydria in New York. Gisela M. A. Richter. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1946), pp. 361-367
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Note on Gellius, N. A., I, 6. Adolf Berger. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 320-328
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Fish from Trees. E. Adelaide Hahn. Classical Journal. (May, 1946), pp. 375
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Notes on Antoninus. G. Zuntz. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1946), pp. 47-55
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The Earthquake-Horse. L. A. Mackay. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1946), pp. 150-154
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A Newly Discovered Portrait of the Emperor Julian. R. Jonas. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1946), pp. 277-282
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The Auloi of Meroë: A Study of the Greek-Egyptian Auloi Found at Meroë, Egypt. Nicholas B. Bodley. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1946), pp. 217-240
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A Note on Sophocles' "Antigone" 1232. S. Johnson. Classical Journal. (May, 1946), pp. 371-374
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The Athenian Treasury as Dated by Its Ornament. William Bell Dinsmoor. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 86-121
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Euripides, Electra 567-8 and Alcestis 1126-7. P. T. Stevens. Classical Review. (Dec., 1946), pp. 101-102
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Myron's Anus Ebria and the Drunken Woman in Munich. Oscar Waldhauer. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1946), pp. 241-246
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ΝΟΥΣ, Noein, and Their Derivatives in Pre-Socratic Philosophy (Excluding Anaxagoras): Part II. The Post-Parmenidean Period. Kurt von Fritz. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1946), pp. 12-34
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"Democracy" in Classical Research. Kurt von Fritz. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 97-102
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Spider versus Snake. Eugene S. McCartney. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 11, 1946), pp. 133-134
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A Note on Ricimer. E. A. Thompson. Classical Review. (Dec., 1946), pp. 106-107
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Comparative Philology and Prehistory. Donald McFayden. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1946), pp. 24-36
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A New and Broader Interpretation of the Ideality of Aeneas (Concluded). John N. Hritzu. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 4, 1946), pp. 106-110
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Stoic Apatheia and Seneca's De Clementia. William Charles Korfmacher. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 44-52
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The Terminal Date of Caesar's Gallic Proconsulate. G. R. Elton. Journal of Roman Studies. (1946), pp. 18-42
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Aridum Argentum in Plautus, Rudens 726. Philip Whaley Harsh. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 70-72
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The Place of Latin in the Post-War Curriculum. Ethel H. Brewster. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 28, 1946), pp. 18-23
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Vergil, Newman's Guide. Herbert C. Lipscomb. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1946), pp. 220
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The Rectangular Rock-Cut Shaft. Eugene Vanderpool. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1946), pp. 265-336
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Interior Design of Greek Temples. Robert L. Scranton. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 39-51
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The Oresteia-Story in the Odyssey. Edward F. D'Arms, Karl K. Hulley. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1946), pp. 207-213
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Serit Arbores Again. Herbert C. Lipscomb. Classical Journal. (May, 1946), pp. 374
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The Belated Spartan Occupation of Decelea: An Explanation. E. T. Salmon. Classical Review. (Apr., 1946), pp. 13-14
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Three Notes on Statius. John P. Cooke. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1946), pp. 102-105
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Forty-Seventh General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1946), pp. 285-292
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Harpokrates (Zeus Kasios) of Pelusium. Campbell Bonner. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1946), pp. 51-59
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Aunt Het and Aristophanes. Jonah W. D. Skiles. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1946), pp. 220
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The School Teaching of Roman Britain. Aileen Fox. Greece & Rome. (May, 1946), pp. 42-48
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O ΦΙΛΟΜΗΡΟΣ ΣΟΦΟΚΛΗΣ and Eustathius. Harold W. Miller. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1946), pp. 99-102
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A Problem of Senate Procedure in the Late Roman Empire. Theresa S. Davidson. American Journal of Philology. (1946), pp. 168-183
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Pliny and the Gentleman of Cicero's Offices. William Charles Korfmacher. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 9, 1946), pp. 50-53
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Archaeological Digest. Stephen B. Luce. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1946), pp. 293-311
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