language, words, effect, literary, poet, expression, tone, contrast, speech, passages, reader, manner, poetry, himself, rhetorical, passage, dramatic, prose, poetic, uses, technique, lines, characteristic, theme, writing, treatment, makes, serious, kind, familiar, simple, striking, composition, narrative, qualities, diction, parody, appropriate, device, merely, content, criticism, characters, phrase, artistic, speeches, irony, stylistic, impression, mind
Homeric Pathos and Objectivity. Jasper Griffin. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 161-187
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Classical Rhetorical Influences in the Development of Eighteenth-Century British Aesthetic Criticism. Vincent M. Bevilacqua. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 11-28
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Individuality in the Imperial Constitutions: Hadrian and the Antonines. Wynne Williams. Journal of Roman Studies. (1976), pp. 67-83
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A Traditional Pattern of Imitation in Sallust and His Sources. R. Renehan. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 97-105
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Aspects of Valerius Flaccus' Use of Similes. John G. Fitch. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 113-124
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Studies in Greek Lyric Poetry: 1967-1975. Douglas E. Gerber. The Classical World. (Oct., 1976), pp. 65-157
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Homer the Innovator. Frederick M. Combellack. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 44-55
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Contexts of Prudentius' Poems. Maurice P. Cunningham. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 56-66
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Augustan Poetry and the Life of Luxury. Jasper Griffin. Journal of Roman Studies. (1976), pp. 87-105
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Innuendo and the "Weighted Alternative" in Tacitus. Donald Sullivan. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1976), pp. 312-326
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Some Alleged Relationships in Lucian's Opuscula. Graham Anderson. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1976), pp. 262-275
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Brief Reviews. P. Walcot, A. C. F. Verity, John Percival, Jane F. Gardner, B. A. Sparkes. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1976), pp. 195-212
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Catullan Echoes in the Second Century A.D.: CEL 1512. K. R. Walters. The Classical World. (Mar., 1976), pp. 353-359
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Brief Reviews. A. W. Bulloch, A. C. F. Verity, John Percival, Jane Gardner, B. A. Sparkes, Trevor J. Saunders, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1976), pp. 83-103
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Thucydides for the Amateur. C. M. H. Millar. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1976), pp. 5-13
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Motivic Transformation in Classical Literature and Music. David. H. Porter. The Classical World. (Dec., 1976 - Jan., 1977), pp. 257-266
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Speech and Silence in the "Iliad". Owen C. Cramer. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1976), pp. 300-304
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Twelve Years of Propertian Scholarship: 1960-1972 (Numbers in Parentheses Refer to Bibliographical Items). William R. Nethercut. The Classical World. (Feb., 1976), pp. 289-309
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Aspects of the Greek Novel. B. P. Reardon. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1976), pp. 118-131
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Sophocles' Philoctetes and the Teachings of the Sophists. Peter W. Rose. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 49-105
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A Study in Incoherence: The First Book of Tacitus' Histories. B. Walker. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 113-118
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Aristophanes' Frogs and Athenian Literacy: Ran. 52-53, 1114. Leonard Woodbury. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 349-357
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Aeneas or Christ? An Epic Parody by Sedulius Scottus. Dennis M. Kratz. The Classical World. (Feb., 1976), pp. 319-323
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Nausicaa: A Feminine Threat. Nicolas P. Gross, Nicholas P. Gross. The Classical World. (Feb., 1976), pp. 311-317
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Polu pragmosune and "Minding One's Own Business": A Study in Greek Social and Political Values. A. W. H. Adkins. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1976), pp. 301-327
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Tristia 4.10: Poet's Autobiography and Poetic Autobiography. B. R. Fredericks. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 139-154
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Fact, Imagination, and Memory in Horace: 'Odes' 1.9. Laurence Catlow. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1976), pp. 74-81
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Zoologica Pindarica. E. K. Borthwick. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 198-205
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That Troubled House of Pentheus in Euripides' Bacchae. Victor Castellani. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 61-83
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Notes on Relief Pithoi of the Tenian-Boiotian Group. Miriam Ervin Caskey. American Journal of Archaeology. (Winter, 1976), pp. 19-41
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Platonic Unitarianism, or What Shorey Said. Rosamond Kent Sprague. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 109-112
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Snow and Spring: Horace's Soracte Ode Again. L. A. Moritz. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1976), pp. 169-176
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Disintegrated Assurances: The Contemporary American Response to the 'Satyricon'. John Wright. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1976), pp. 32-39
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Seneca: Tragedian of Imperial Rome. William M. Calder III. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1976), pp. 1-11
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Ctesias' Account of the Revolt of Inarus. J. M. Bigwood. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1976), pp. 1-25
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The Watchman of the "Agamemnon". John W. Vaughn. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1976), pp. 335-338
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Seneca's Agamemnon. William M. Calder, III. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 27-36
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Symbolism in Virgil: Skeleton Key or Will-O'-the-Wisp?. J. A. Richmond. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1976), pp. 142-158
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Hephaestion and Catullus 63. David Mulroy. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1976), pp. 61-72
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The End of the Seven against Thebes. A. L. Brown. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 206-219
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The 'Theban Eagle'. Richard Stoneman. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 188-197
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Errors in Arrian. A. B. Bosworth. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 117-139
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Latin Love Poets and the Biographical Approach. M. L. Clarke. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1976), pp. 132-139
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Plato on the Grammar of Perceiving. M. F. Burnyeat. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 29-51
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Notes on Some Passages of Lucan. A. Hudson-Williams. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1976), pp. 130-137
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Forms and Explanation in the "Phaedo". Charlotte L. Stough. Phronesis. (1976), pp. 1-30
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The Paradoxa Stoicorum in Varro's Menippeans. David L. Sigsbef. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1976), pp. 244-248
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Ennius' Usage of Is Ea Id. Jon D. Mikalson. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 171-177
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Gordon's Tacitus. Herbert W. Benario. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1976 - Jan., 1977), pp. 107-114
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Heraclitus and the Identity of Opposites. C. J. Emlyn-Jones. Phronesis. (1976), pp. 89-114
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How, and What, Does Homer Communicate? The Medium and Message of Homeric Verse. Joseph Russo. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1976), pp. 289-299
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Agesilaus and Sparta. G. L. Cawkwell. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 62-84
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Some Allusions to Earlier Hellenistic Poetry in Nonnus. A. S. Hollis. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 142-150
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The Temptation of Odysseus. James C. Hogan. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 187-210
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Horace C. 1.34: The Conversion. E. A. Fredricksmeyer. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 155-176
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Critical and Explanatory Notes on Some Passages Assigned to Aristotle's "Protrepticus". D. J. Allan. Phronesis. (1976), pp. 219-240
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The Gods of the East Frieze of the Parthenon. Elizabeth G. Pemberton. American Journal of Archaeology. (Spring, 1976), pp. 113-124
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Interpolations in the Phoenissae: Papyrus Evidence. M. W. Haslam. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 4-10
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Catvlli Veronensis Liber. Wendell Clausen. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 37-43
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"Aeneid" V: The Old and the Young. Zoja Pavlovskis. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1976), pp. 193-205
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Horace Odes 3. 15: The Design of Decus. Michael C. J. Putnam. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 90-96
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Hannibal's Gait. Jerry Clack. The Classical World. (Nov., 1976), pp. 181
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In Search of Sidonius the Bishop. Philip Rousseau. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1976), pp. 356-377
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Double πρίν and the Language of Achilles. James C. Hogan. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1976), pp. 305-310
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The Reliability of Pliny's Chapters on Greek and Roman Sculpture. William D. E. Coulson. The Classical World. (Mar., 1976), pp. 361-372
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The Historical Setting of Prudentius' Contra Symmachum. T. D. Barnes. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1976), pp. 373-386
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Symposium at Sea. W. J. Slater. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 161-170
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Athens and Aegina. A. J. Podlecki. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1976), pp. 396-413
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Catalexis. L. P. E. Parker. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 14-28
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Bronze Age Representations of Aegean Bull-Leaping. John G. Younger. American Journal of Archaeology. (Spring, 1976), pp. 125-137
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The Kings and the Muses in Hesiod's Theogony. Catharine P. Roth. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 331-338
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HP 2310: A Lakonian Kylix from Halieis. Wolf W. Rudolph. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1976), pp. 240-252
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Requisitioned Transport in the Roman Empire: A New Inscription from Pisidia. Stephen Mitchell. Journal of Roman Studies. (1976), pp. 106-131
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Further Observations on Habeo+Infinitive as an Exponent of Futurity. Robert Coleman. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 151-159
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A Consular Epicurean under the Early Principate. P. M. Swan. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1976), pp. 54-60
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Xenophon and "Seven Pillars of Wisdom". Jeffrey Meyers. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1976 - Jan., 1977), pp. 141-143
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Notes, Critical and Interpretative, on the Poems of Sidonius Apollinaris. D. R. Shackleton Bailey. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1976), pp. 242-251
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Tradition and Innovation in Doric Design I: Western Greek Temples. F. E. Winter. American Journal of Archaeology. (Spring, 1976), pp. 139-145
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Diogenes' Mouse and the Royal Dog: Conformity in Nonconformity. Grundy Steiner. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1976), pp. 36-46
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Money Matters in "Phormio". R. K. Bohm. The Classical World. (Dec., 1976 - Jan., 1977), pp. 267-269
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Aristotle, Menaechmus, and Circular Proof. Jonathan Barnes. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 278-292
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The Origins of Greek Kosmos and Latin Mundus. Jaan Puhvel. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1976), pp. 154-167
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The Death of Dido. R. J. Edgeworth. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1976 - Jan., 1977), pp. 129-133
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'Hybris' in Athens. Douglas M. MacDowell. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1976), pp. 14-31
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Elocvtio Novella. Leofranc Holford-Strevens. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 140-141
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A Note on Aristophanes' ΦΡΟΝΤΙΣΤΗΡΙΟΝ. Sander M. Goldberg. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1976), pp. 254-256
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Kum Tepe in the Troad: Trial Excavation, 1934. Jerome W. Sperling. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1976), pp. 305-364
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Thomas Magister and the Text of Sophocles' Antigone. E. Christian Kopff. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 241-266
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'O Ancient Argos of the Land': Euripides, Electra 1. M. W. Haslam. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 1-2
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Juvenal and Virgil. Wendell Clausen. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 181-186
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Statius to His Wife: Silvae III.5. D. W. T. Vessey. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1976 - Jan., 1977), pp. 134-140
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A Poem of All Seasons: "AE" 1928.108. Robert E. A. Palmer. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1976), pp. 159-173
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Corinth, 1975: Forum Southwest. Charles K. Williams II, Joan E. Fisher. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1976), pp. 99-162
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Tribe and City, Custom and Decree in Children of Heracles. Anne Burnett. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 4-26
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The Solar Monarchy of Nero and the Imperial Panegyric of Q. Curtius Rufus. J. Rufus Fears. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1976), pp. 494-496
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Panhellenism, the Polis and Imperialism. S. Perlman. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1976), pp. 1-30
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Aristotle and the Irrational and Improbable Elements in "Oedipus Rex". Joseph S. Margon. The Classical World. (Dec., 1976 - Jan., 1977), pp. 249-255
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Aristotle on Prior and Posterior, Correct and Mistaken Constitutions. W. W. Fortenbaugh. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 125-137
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Sophocles' Ajax. Vincent J. Rosivach. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1976), pp. 47-61
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A Note on Skiagraphia. Elizabeth G. Pemberton. American Journal of Archaeology. (Winter, 1976), pp. 82-84
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The Athenian Upper Class and New Comedy. Lionel Casson. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 29-59
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'Hybris' and Dishonour: I. N. R. E. Fisher. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1976), pp. 177-193
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Tissaphernes and the Phoenician Fleet (Thucydides 8. 87). Donald Lateiner. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 267-290
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The Tyrant Kings of Syracuse. Stewart Irvin Oost. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1976), pp. 224-236
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The Meaning of Ἀναγραϕεύς. J. J. Coulton. American Journal of Archaeology. (Summer, 1976), pp. 302-304
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The Aphrodite of Arles. Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway. American Journal of Archaeology. (Spring, 1976), pp. 147-154
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The Principle That the Cause Is Greater than Its Effect. A. C. Lloyd. Phronesis. (1976), pp. 146-156
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Androtion's Political Career. Phillip Harding. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1976), pp. 186-200
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A Corinthian Inscription Recording Honors at Elis for Corinthian Judges. Noel Robertson. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1976), pp. 253-266
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Epic Themes in Propertius II.9. Nancy Wiggers. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1976), pp. 367-374
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The Commons at Mytilene. H. D. Westlake. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1976), pp. 429-440
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Vergilius Graecus. Barry Baldwin. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1976), pp. 361-368
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The Roman Calendar, 218-191 B. C.. P. S. Derow. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1976), pp. 265-281
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Zeus Hypsistos Megistos: An Argument for Enclitic που in Aeschylus, Agamemnon 182. N. B. Booth. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 220-228
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Sossianus Hierocles and the Antecedents of the "Great Persecution". T. D. Barnes. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 239-252
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The Charge at Marathon: Herodotus 6.112. Walter Donlan, James Thompson. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1976), pp. 339-343
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Why Rome?. Zvi Yavetz. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1976), pp. 276-296
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Turpilius and St. Jerome in Anglo-Saxon England. Daniel J. Sheerin. The Classical World. (Nov., 1976), pp. 183-185
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True and False Names in the "Cratylus". Mary Richardson. Phronesis. (1976), pp. 135-145
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The Broken Victim: Euripides Bacchae 969-970. Laurence R. Kepple. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 107-109
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Ovid, Met. 1. 4. C. D. Gilbert. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 111-112
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The Text of Aristotle's De Motu Animalium. Martha C. Nussbaum. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 111-159
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Silius Italicus, Cataphracti, and the Date of Q. Curtius Rufus. J. Rufus Fears. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1976), pp. 214-223
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The Fantasies of Phaedra: A Psychoanalytic Reading. Justin Glenn. The Classical World. (Apr. - May, 1976), pp. 435-442
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Hortensius' Speech in Defense of Verres. Michael C. Alexander. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1976), pp. 46-53
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The Beginning of the Odyssey. Jenny Strauss Clay. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1976), pp. 313-326
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Imperial Magistrates in the Athenian Empire. Jack Martin Balcer. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1976), pp. 257-287
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Citizen Cohorts in the Roman Imperial Army. New Data on the Cohorts Apula, Campana, and III Campestris. Michael P. Speidel. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 339-348
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The Evolution of the Porticus Octaviae. L. Richardson, Jr.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Winter, 1976), pp. 57-64
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The Theme of the Suppliant-Exile in the Iliad. Robin R. Schlunk. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1976), pp. 199-209
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The Imperialism of Thrasybulus. G. L. Cawkwell. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 270-277
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Attribution and Action in Aristophanes Clouds 723-796. M. W. Haslam. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 45-47
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The Roman Military Occupation of North-West Spain. R. F. J. Jones. Journal of Roman Studies. (1976), pp. 45-66
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The Death of Lucretia. Jocelyn Penny Small. American Journal of Archaeology. (Autumn, 1976), pp. 349-360
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Themistius: A Hellenic Philosopher-Statesman in the Christian Roman Empire. Stephen A. Stertz. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1976), pp. 349-358
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Aristotelian Epagoge. D. W. Hamlyn. Phronesis. (1976), pp. 167-184
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T. Quinctius Flamininus and the Campaign against Philip in 198 B. C.. A. M. Eckstein. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1976), pp. 119-142
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