days, month, calendar, months, winter, festival, period, prytany, summer, august, september, chronology, spring, beginning, early, february, began, autumn, meritt, cycle, calendars, november, intercalary, reckoning, pritchett, festivals, ordinary, athenian, count, prytanies, lunar, archon, occurred, equation, fall, interval, pryt, dies, intercalation, skirophorion, civil, eclipse, hekatombaion, took, fell, boedromion, solstice, elaphebolion, seasons, tenth
Virgil's Instructions for Ploughing, Fallowing, and the Rotation of Crops. Clement L. Smith. American Journal of Philology. (1881), pp. 425-445
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On the Origin of "Had Rather Go" and Analogous or Apparently Analogous Locutions. Fitzedward Hall. American Journal of Philology. (1881), pp. 281-322
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A Study of Bentley's English. H. E. Shepherd. American Journal of Philology. (1881), pp. 20-29
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