days, month, calendar, months, winter, festival, period, prytany, summer, august, september, chronology, spring, beginning, early, february, began, autumn, meritt, cycle, calendars, november, intercalary, reckoning, pritchett, festivals, ordinary, athenian, count, prytanies, lunar, archon, occurred, equation, fall, interval, pryt, dies, intercalation, skirophorion, civil, eclipse, hekatombaion, took, fell, boedromion, solstice, elaphebolion, seasons, tenth
Stars in the "Fasti": Ideler (1825) and Ovid's Astronomy Revisited. Matthew Fox. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 2004), pp. 91-133
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Ovid, Varro, and Castor of Rhodes: The Chronological Architecture of the "Metamorphoses". Thomas Cole. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2004), pp. 355-422
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The Composition and Circulation of Cicero's "In Verrem". Thomas D. Frazel. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2004), pp. 128-142
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The Star Signs at Brundisium: Astral Symbolism in Lucan 2.691-2. Francisco Barrenechea. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2004), pp. 312-317
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Octavian's Arrival in Rome, 44 B.C.. Mark Toher. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2004), pp. 174-184
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The "Rich Athenian Lady" Was Pregnant: The Anthropology of a Geometric Tomb Reconsidered. Maria A. Liston, John K. Papadopoulos. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 2004), pp. 7-38
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The Correspondence of Gilbert Highet and Cyril Bailey. Robert J. Ball. The Classical World. (Autumn, 2004), pp. 30-60
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Kleisthenes, Participation, and the Dithyrambic Contests of Late Archaic and Classical Athens. David Pritchard. Phoenix. (Autumn - Winter, 2004), pp. 208-228
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The Hag and the Household Gods: Silence, Speech, and the Family in Mid-February (Ovid "Fasti" 2.533-638). Christopher Michael McDonough. Classical Philology. (Oct., 2004), pp. 354-369
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Nocturnal Writers in Imperial Rome: The Culture of "Lucubratio". James Ker. Classical Philology. (Jul., 2004), pp. 209-242
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The Republication of Draco's Law on Homicide. Andrew B. Gallia. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 2004), pp. 451-460
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Myth as Consolatio: Medea on Roman Sarcophagi. Genevieve Gessert. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 2004), pp. 217-249
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Waterscape with Black and White: Epigrams, Cycles, and Webs in Martial's "Epigrammaton Liber Quartus". Sven Lorenz. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 2004), pp. 255-278
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A Note on Seneca, "Quaestiones Naturales" 6.1.5. Nigel Holmes. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2004), pp. 311-312
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Who Tried to Kill Nearly Everyone Else but Homer?. James M. Scott. The Classical World. (Summer, 2004), pp. 373-383
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Cassius Dio's Palace Sources for the Reign of Septimius Severus. M. James Moscovich. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2004), pp. 356-368
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The Death of Claudius. John Aveline. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2004), pp. 453-475
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The "Peace of Philokrates": The Assemblies of 18th and 19th Elaphebolion 346 B.C. Studying History through Rhetoric. Athanasios Efstathiou. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2004), pp. 385-407
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Der Beginn des 3. Makedonischen Krieges. Überlegungen zur Chronologie. Hans-Ulrich Wiemer. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2004), pp. 22-37
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The "Pro Caelio" and Comedy. Matthew Leigh. Classical Philology. (Oct., 2004), pp. 300-335
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Traditions and Innovations in the Reign of Aurelian. Sviatoslav Dmitriev. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 2004), pp. 568-578
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Performance and the Epic Cycle. Jonathan S. Burgess. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 2004), pp. 1-23
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Documentary Evidence, Literary Forgery, or Manipulation of Historical Documents? Diogenes Laertius and an Athenian Honorary Decree for Zeno of Citium. Matthias Haake. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 2004), pp. 470-483
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Playing with Marble: The Monuments of the Caesars in Ovid's "Fasti". Steven J. Green. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2004), pp. 224-239
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Catullan Excavations: Pindar's "Olympian" 10 and Catullus 68. Deborah Steiner. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2004), pp. 275-297
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Sacrificial Feasting in the Linear B Documents. Thomas G. Palaima. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 2004), pp. 217-246
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Mountain and Molehill? Cornelius Tacitus and Quintus Curtius. A. B. Bosworth. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 2004), pp. 551-567
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The Watery Something of Virgil, "Georgics" 4.234. Philip Thibodeau. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 2004), pp. 636-640
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Impersonal and Intransitive ΕΠΙΣΗΜΑΙΝΕΙ. Daryn Lehoux. Classical Philology. (Jan., 2004), pp. 78-85
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Apollo and the Archaic Temple at Corinth. Nancy Bookidis, Ronald S. Stroud. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 2004), pp. 401-426
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A Speech of the Emperor Hadrian. Christopher P. Jones. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2004), pp. 266-273
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An Oracle of Apollo at Daphne and the Great Persecution. Elizabeth Depalma Digeser. Classical Philology. (Jan., 2004), pp. 57-77
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The Roman Imperial State, Provincial Governors and the Public Finances of Provincial Cities, 27 B.C.-A.D. 235. Graham P. Burton. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2004), pp. 311-342
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Authorial Voice and Theatrical Self-Definition in Terence and beyond: The "Hecyra" Prologues in Ancient and Modern Contexts. Ismene Lada-Richards. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 2004), pp. 55-82
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Masculinity and Monuments in Propertius 4.9. Tara S. Welch. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 2004), pp. 61-90
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Epigraphic Geography: The Tribute Quota Fragments Assigned to 421/0-415/4 B.C.. Lisa Kallet. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 2004), pp. 465-496
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Lingua Latina Liberis: Four Models for Latin in the Elementary School. Thomas J. Sienkewicz, Alice Mulberry, Patricia Reaves, Elizabeth Kann, Barbara Bell. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 2004), pp. 301-312
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Tua, Caesar, Aetas: Horace Ode 4.15 and the Augustan Age. Brian W. Breed. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 2004), pp. 245-253
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Did Julius Caesar Temporarily Banish Mark Antony from His Inner Circle?. John T. Ramsey. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2004), pp. 161-173
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All in the Family: Funeral Rites and the Health of the Oikos in Aischylos' Oresteia. Kerri J. Hame. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 2004), pp. 513-538
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