ko-to-na, o-na-to, do-e-ro, pe-mo, pa-ro, e-ke-qe, e-ke, te-o-jo, do-e-ra, to-so-de, ki-ti-me-na, ke-ke-me-na, o-na-ta, priestess, bugge, ka-ma, curam, pascal, deecke, ko-to-no-o-ko, inim, huschke, svai, en6o9, ep6i7, kent, valaimas, whea, e-to-ni-jo, somnum, vibia, elval, da-mo, ka-ma-e-u, to-so, jn832, pa-ki-ja-na, pacius, planta, wo-z, idiai, te-re-ja, cessatam, ep704, kama, neip, o-da-a2, oscan, jn6o5, ka-ma-e-we
Themistocles' Speech before Salamis: The Interpretation of Herodotus 8.83.1. A. J. Graham. Classical Quarterly. (1996), pp. 321-326
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The Fabric of Persuasion: Clytaemnestra, Agamemnon, and the Sea of Garments. Kenneth Scott Morrell. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1996 - Jan., 1997), pp. 141-165
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Why Did the Greek "Polis" Originally Need Coins?. Thomas R. Martin. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1996), pp. 257-283
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The Moving Posset Once Again: Heraclitus Fr. B 125 in Context. Serge N. Mouraviev. Classical Quarterly. (1996), pp. 34-43
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