sigillata, stamp, stamps, arretine, ware, terra, pottery, mould, italian, potter, ovolo, bowl, potters, gaulish, haltern, bowls, stamped, salluienses, lezoux, wreath, arezzo, glass, pedis, presigillata, planta, dech, production, signatures, period, knorr, pompeii, decorated, provenance, loeschcke, rasinius, arrow-heads, comfort, scav, signed, gloss, fragment, agathangelus, rect, eastern, goudineau, oswald, hayes, sabratha, workshop, titi
Glass from Sardis. Axel von Saldern. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1962), pp. 5-12
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Das Gießener Gräberfeld und die Rolle der Regio Translimitana in der römischen Grenzpolitik. Franz Kiechle. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Apr., 1962), pp. 171-191
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Hygieia Tharso and Iaon: The Phaistos Disk. Henry D Ephron. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1962), pp. 1-91
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An Archaeological-Topographical Study of the Tolfa-Allumiere District: Preliminary Report. Mario A. del Chiaro. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1962), pp. 49-55
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Roman Britain in 1961: I. Sites Explored: II. Inscriptions. R. P. Wright. Journal of Roman Studies. (1962), pp. 160-199
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