sigillata, stamp, stamps, arretine, ware, terra, pottery, mould, italian, potter, ovolo, bowl, potters, gaulish, haltern, bowls, stamped, salluienses, lezoux, wreath, arezzo, glass, pedis, presigillata, planta, dech, production, signatures, period, knorr, pompeii, decorated, provenance, loeschcke, rasinius, arrow-heads, comfort, scav, signed, gloss, fragment, agathangelus, rect, eastern, goudineau, oswald, hayes, sabratha, workshop, titi
The Sanctuary at San Mauro, Buccino. R. Ross Holloway. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1974), pp. 25-32
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Excavation at Corinth, 1973. Charles Kaufman Williams II, Jean MacIntosh, Joan E. Fisher. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1974), pp. 1-76
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Bryn Mawr College Excavations in Tuscany, 1973. Kyle Meredith Phillips, Jr.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1974), pp. 265-278
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Seventy-Fifth General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1974), pp. 160-185
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Puteoli in the Second Century of the Roman Empire: A Social and Economic Study. J. H. D'Arms. Journal of Roman Studies. (1974), pp. 104-124
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The Archaeological Present: Near Eastern Village Potters at Work. Frederick R. Matson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1974), pp. 345-347
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Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore on Acrocorinth: Preliminary Report V: 1971-1973. Nancy Bookidis, Joan E. Fisher. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1974), pp. 267-307
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