sigillata, stamp, stamps, arretine, ware, terra, pottery, mould, italian, potter, ovolo, bowl, potters, gaulish, haltern, bowls, stamped, salluienses, lezoux, wreath, arezzo, glass, pedis, presigillata, planta, dech, production, signatures, period, knorr, pompeii, decorated, provenance, loeschcke, rasinius, arrow-heads, comfort, scav, signed, gloss, fragment, agathangelus, rect, eastern, goudineau, oswald, hayes, sabratha, workshop, titi
Agathangelus the Bronzesmith: The British Finds in Their Continental Context. Kordula Gostenčnik. Britannia. (2002), pp. 227-256
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Lamp Production in West Stockwell Street, Colchester. Hella Eckardt. Britannia. (2002), pp. 77-93
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Temples and Terracottas at Cosa. Rabun Taylor. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 2002), pp. 59-83
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Pre-Flavian Kilns at Greenhouse Farm and the Social Context of Early Roman Pottery Production in Cambridgeshire. David Gibson, Gavin Lucas. Britannia. (2002), pp. 95-127
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Roman Britain in 2001. Barry C. Burnham, F. Hunter, A. P. Fitzpatrick, M. W. C. Hassall, R. S. O. Tomlin. Britannia. (2002), pp. 275-371
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The Development of the Roman Road System in the North-West: The Evidence of the Samian Ware. Felicity Wild. Britannia. (2002), pp. 268-274
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The Textile Industries of Roman Britain. J. P. Wild. Britannia. (2002), pp. 1-42
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