Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
metrical, metre, iambic, verse, strophe, lyric, rhythm, anceps, cola, resolution, colon, trochaic, short, meter, verses, syllable, metron, antistrophe, responsion, syllables, dimeter, anapaests, trimeter, trimeters, word-end, glyconic, ionic, dale, dactylic, aeolic, tetrameter, metres, catalectic, anapaestic, colometry, stanza, hephaestion, metra, pause, resolutions, boundary, strophic, lines, dochmiac, bridge, lyrics, dimeters, dochmiacs, sequence, followed


Horace's Claim to Be the First Lyric Poet of Rome. H. V. Canter. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1911), pp. 196-208 List themes Full text (71 theme words)
Dem. Chers., p. 107, §§ 69, 70. H. W. White. Classical Review. (Aug., 1911), pp. 140-141 List themes Full text (38 theme words)
Aeschylus, Agamemnon 178-180 (Wecklein). Austin Smyth. Classical Review. (Aug., 1911), pp. 141 List themes Full text (37 theme words)
Notes on Lucan, Books V. and VI. W. R. Smale. Classical Review. (Feb., 1911), pp. 15-16 List themes Full text (34 theme words)
The De Compositione of Dionysius of Hall-Carnassus Considered with Reference to the Rhetoric of Aristotle. H. P. Breitenbach. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1911), pp. 163-179 List themes Full text (19 theme words)
Sophoclea. IV. Philoctetes. Arthur Platt. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1911), pp. 24-31 List themes Full text (18 theme words)
Catullus and Horace. Roy K. Hack. Classical Journal. (May, 1911), pp. 324-329 List themes Full text (17 theme words)
Textual Notes. J. U. Powell. Classical Quarterly. (Jul., 1911), pp. 175-177 List themes Full text (15 theme words)
Archaeological Discussions. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1911), pp. 533-593 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
Some Notes on the ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΑΙΟΛΙΚΑ of Theocritus. I. Theocritus XXIX. J. M. Edmonds. Classical Review. (Mar., 1911), pp. 37-39 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
Decimus Magnus Ausonius. Anna Pearl MacVay. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 25, 1911), pp. 50-53 List themes Full text (10 theme words)
Notes on Central Italian Painters. Morton H. Bernath. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1911), pp. 340-348 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Horace the Duality. Grant Showerman. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1911), pp. 244-251 List themes Full text (8 theme words)
Graecia Capta. Herbert Weir Smyth. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 18, 1911), pp. 154-158 List themes Full text (6 theme words)