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Critical Studies in the Cantica of Sophocles: III. Electra, Philoctetes, Oedipus at Colonus. C. W. Willink. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2003), pp. 75-110
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Clearing up Some Confusion in Callias' "Alphabet Tragedy": How to Read Sophocles "Oedipus Tyrannus" 332-33 et al.. Joseph A. Smith. Classical Philology. (Oct., 2003), pp. 313-329
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The Catullan Corpus, Greek Epigram, and the Poetry of Objects. G. O. Hutchinson. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2003), pp. 206-221
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Aesthetics and Recall: Callimachus frs. 226-9 Pf. Reconsidered. Benjamin Acosta-Hughes. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 2003), pp. 478-489
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Praxidamas' Crown and the Omission at Pindar, "Nemean" 6.18. J. Fenno. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 2003), pp. 338-346
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Beyond Satire: Horace, Popular Invective and the Segregation of Literature. I. A. Ruffell. Journal of Roman Studies. (2003), pp. 35-65
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Porphyry's Rhetoric. Malcolm Heath. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2003), pp. 141-166
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Text and Interpretation of "Philebus" 56a. E. Kerr Borthwick. Classical Philology. (Jul., 2003), pp. 274-280
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Transformations of Colonial Disruption into Narratuve Continuity in Pindar's Epinician Odes. Lucia Athanassaki. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2003), pp. 93-128
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Zeus, Prometheus, and Greek Ethics. Hugh Lloyd-Jones. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2003), pp. 49-72
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Motherhood or Status? Editorial Choices in Sophocles, "Electra" 187. Margalit Finkelberg. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 2003), pp. 368-376
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Drowning by Numbers Pythagoreanism and Poetry in Horace Odes 1.28. Armand D'Angour. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 2003), pp. 206-219
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'Gnosticism' in Fourth-Century Britain: The Frampton Mosaics Reconsidered. Dominic Perring. Britannia. (2003), pp. 97-127
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"Hieroi Logoi" and "Hierai Bibloi": The (Un)Written Margins of the Sacred in Ancient Greece. Albert Henrichs. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2003), pp. 207-266
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