Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
metrical, metre, iambic, verse, strophe, lyric, rhythm, anceps, cola, resolution, colon, trochaic, short, meter, verses, syllable, metron, antistrophe, responsion, syllables, dimeter, anapaests, trimeter, trimeters, word-end, glyconic, ionic, dale, dactylic, aeolic, tetrameter, metres, catalectic, anapaestic, colometry, stanza, hephaestion, metra, pause, resolutions, boundary, strophic, lines, dochmiac, bridge, lyrics, dimeters, dochmiacs, sequence, followed


Critical Studies in the "Cantica" of Sophocles: II. "Ajax", "Trachiniae", "Oedipus Tyrannus". C. W. Willink. Classical Quarterly. (2002), pp. 50-80 List themes Full text (1955 theme words)
Tragic Dates. Scott Scullion. Classical Quarterly. (2002), pp. 81-101 List themes Full text (85 theme words)
Vale, Patrona Virgo: The Text of Catullus 1.9. A. S. Gratwick. Classical Quarterly. (2002), pp. 305-320 List themes Full text (39 theme words)
The Publication and Individuality of Horace's "Odes" Books 1-3. G. O. Hutchinson. Classical Quarterly. (2002), pp. 517-537 List themes Full text (38 theme words)
Sappho's 'Rosy' Moon. Clifford Hindley. Classical Quarterly. (2002), pp. 374-377 List themes Full text (26 theme words)
The Athenian Decree for Chalcis (IG 13.40). Harold B. Mattingly. Classical Quarterly. (2002), pp. 377-379 List themes Full text (23 theme words)
Metrical Notes on Vegetius' "Epitoma rei militaris". Nigel Holmes. Classical Quarterly. (2002), pp. 358-373 List themes Full text (18 theme words)
'Nothing to Do with Dionysus': Tragedy Misconceived as Ritual. Scott Scullion. Classical Quarterly. (2002), pp. 102-137 List themes Full text (17 theme words)
Tragic Vergil: Rewriting Vergil as a Tragedy in the Cento "Medea". Scott McGill, Scott C. McGill. The Classical World. (Winter, 2002), pp. 143-161 List themes Full text (16 theme words)
Framing Hyperbata in Pindar's "Odes". William H. Race. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 2002), pp. 21-33 List themes Full text (12 theme words)
Reconstructing Plancus (Horace, C. 1.7). John Moles. Journal of Roman Studies. (2002), pp. 86-109 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Subject Reviews. Hans van Wees, Barbara Levick, Nigel Spivey, Stephen Halliwell, Donald E. Hill, Richard Gordon, Christopher Burnand, Katherine Clarke. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 2002), pp. 237-275 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
A Total Write-off. Aristophanes, Cratinus, and the Rhetoric of Comic Competition. Ian Ruffell. Classical Quarterly. (2002), pp. 138-163 List themes Full text (5 theme words)