motion, aristotle, movement, atoms, cause, body, void, epicurus, causes, bodies, moving, move, physics, things, motions, natural, infinite, rest, space, swerve, democritus, necessity, alexander, moved, object, matter, causal, movements, sense, moves, atomic, zeno, cosmos, thing, chance, physical, universe, action, idols, determinism, causation, mover, atom, unmoved_mover, sedley, simplicius, phys, mind, agent, objects
Suggestions on the Nicomachean Ethics. L. H. G. Greenwood. Classical Review. (Feb., 1905), pp. 14-18
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On Euripides Alcestis 16. Charles N. Smiley. Classical Review. (Feb., 1905), pp. 13-14
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Notes on Herodotus, Books I-III. Herbert Richards. Classical Review. (Jul., 1905), pp. 290-296
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A Semantic Study of the Indo-Iranian Nasal Verbs. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1905), pp. 172-203
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Virgil Aen. IV 225. A. E. Housman. Classical Review. (Jun., 1905), pp. 260-261
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Song: To the Evening Star. T. Campbell, R. Quirk. Classical Review. (May, 1905), pp. 231
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An Examination of the Theories regarding the Nature and Origin of Indo-European Inflection. Hanns Oertel, Edward P. Morris. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1905), pp. 63-122
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On the New Fragment of the So-Called Laudatio Turiae (C. I. L. VI. 1527). W. Warde Fowler. Classical Review. (Jun., 1905), pp. 261-266
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A Semantic Study of the Indo-Iranian Nasal Verbs. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1905), pp. 377-408
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Classical Studies. Earl of Halsbury. Classical Review. (Feb., 1905), pp. 3-6
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The Use of the High-Soled Shoe or Buskin in Greek Tragedy of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B. C.. Kendall K. Smith. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1905), pp. 123-164
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