motion, aristotle, movement, atoms, cause, body, void, epicurus, causes, bodies, moving, move, physics, things, motions, natural, infinite, rest, space, swerve, democritus, necessity, alexander, moved, object, matter, causal, movements, sense, moves, atomic, zeno, cosmos, thing, chance, physical, universe, action, idols, determinism, causation, mover, atom, unmoved_mover, sedley, simplicius, phys, mind, agent, objects
Does Epicurus Need the Swerve as an Archê of Collisions?. Tim O'Keefe. Phronesis. (1996), pp. 305-317
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Aristotelian Explications and Emendations: II. Passages from the De Anima, De Partibus Animalium, De Generatione Animalium, De Motu Animalium, Politics, and Nicomachean Ethics. Robert Renehan. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1996), pp. 223-246
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The ἐπελευστιϰὴ δύναμις in Aristo's Psychology of Action. George Boys-Stones. Phronesis. (1996), pp. 75-94
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Aristotelian Explications and Emendations: I. Passages from the Physics, De Caelo, and De Generatione et Corruptione. Robert Renehan. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1996), pp. 141-158
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The Moving Posset Once Again: Heraclitus Fr. B 125 in Context. Serge N. Mouraviev. Classical Quarterly. (1996), pp. 34-43
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'Amaze Your Friends!' Lucretius on Magnets. Richard Wallace. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1996), pp. 178-187
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Plato's Method in Timaeus. Aryeh Finkelberg. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1996), pp. 391-409
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On 'The One' in Philolaus, Fragment 7. H. S. Schibli. Classical Quarterly. (1996), pp. 114-130
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Aristotle on the Sense of Smell. Thomas K. Johansen. Phronesis. (1996), pp. 1-19
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Some Remarks on Research in Classics: The Twenty-Fifth Annual Faculty Research Lecture. Paul Friedländer, Maximilian Braun, William M. Calder III. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1996), pp. 39-55
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Why Aristotle Needs Imagination. Victor Caston. Phronesis. (1996), pp. 20-55
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Material Alteration and Cognitive Activity in Aristotle's "De Anima". John E. Sisko. Phronesis. (1996), pp. 138-157
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Aristotle "Metaphysics" H6: A Dialectic with Platonism. Verity Harte. Phronesis. (1996), pp. 276-304
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Epicurus on Sex, Marriage, and Children. Tad Brennan. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1996), pp. 346-352
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A Politics of Eating: Feasting in Early Greek Society. John Rundin. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1996), pp. 179-215
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Waiting for Neoptolemus: The Unity of Euripides' 'Andromache'. J. M. Mossman. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1996), pp. 143-156
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Structures of Care in the Iliad. K. Lynn-George. Classical Quarterly. (1996), pp. 1-26
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Respecting Terence, "Adelphoe" 155-75. David W. Frauenfelder. The Classical World. (Sep. - Oct., 1996), pp. 23-32
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The Function of Human Beings and the Rationality of the Universe: Aristotle and Zeno on Parts and Wholes. Thomas M. Tuozzo. Phoenix. (Summer, 1996), pp. 146-161
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Nonverbal Behaviors in Ovid's Poetry, Primarily "Metamorphoses" 14. Donald Lateiner. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1996), pp. 225-253
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A Schedule of Boundaries: An Exploration, Launched from the Water-Clock, of Athenian Time. Danielle Allen. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1996), pp. 157-168
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The Fabric of Persuasion: Clytaemnestra, Agamemnon, and the Sea of Garments. Kenneth Scott Morrell. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1996 - Jan., 1997), pp. 141-165
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Windows, Baths, and Solar Energy in the Roman Empire. James W. Ring. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1996), pp. 717-724
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Socrates' "Tragic" Definition of Color (Pl. Meno 76D-E). David Sansone. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1996), pp. 339-345
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Natural Law and Poetic Justice: A Carneadean Debate in Cicero and Virgil. James E. G. Zetzel. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1996), pp. 297-319
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Household Production at the Uruk Mound, Abu Salabikh, Iraq. Susan Pollock, Melody Pope, Cheryl Coursey. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1996), pp. 683-698
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The Construction of the Ancient Family: Methodological Considerations. Dale B. Martin. Journal of Roman Studies. (1996), pp. 40-60
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The Ancient Novel at the End of the Century: Scholarship since the Dartmouth Conference. J. R. Morgan. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1996), pp. 63-73
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