motion, aristotle, movement, atoms, cause, body, void, epicurus, causes, bodies, moving, move, physics, things, motions, natural, infinite, rest, space, swerve, democritus, necessity, alexander, moved, object, matter, causal, movements, sense, moves, atomic, zeno, cosmos, thing, chance, physical, universe, action, idols, determinism, causation, mover, atom, unmoved_mover, sedley, simplicius, phys, mind, agent, objects
The Lucretian Theory of Sense Perception. Robert B. English. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 28, 1911), pp. 106-109
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Antecedents of Greek Corpuscular Theories. William Arthur Heidel. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1911), pp. 111-172
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Lucretiana: Notes on Books I and II of the De Rerum Natura. J. S. Reid. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1911), pp. 1-53
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Proceedings of the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association Held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December, 1911 Also of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held at San Francisco, California November, 1911. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1911), pp. i-iii+v-cxvii
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The De Compositione of Dionysius of Hall-Carnassus Considered with Reference to the Rhetoric of Aristotle. H. P. Breitenbach. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1911), pp. 163-179
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Nic. Eth. IV. 111. 15. 1123b31.. J. Cook Wilson. Classical Review. (Aug., 1911), pp. 132-135
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Medusa, Apollo, and the Great Mother. A. L. Frothingham. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1911), pp. 349-377
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Some Passages of Juvenal. H. W. Garrod. Classical Review. (Dec., 1911), pp. 240-243
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