motion, aristotle, movement, atoms, cause, body, void, epicurus, causes, bodies, moving, move, physics, things, motions, natural, infinite, rest, space, swerve, democritus, necessity, alexander, moved, object, matter, causal, movements, sense, moves, atomic, zeno, cosmos, thing, chance, physical, universe, action, idols, determinism, causation, mover, atom, unmoved_mover, sedley, simplicius, phys, mind, agent, objects
Aristotle on Elemental Motion. Sheldon M. Cohen. Phronesis. (1994), pp. 150-159
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Aristotle's Identification of the Prime Mover as God. Joseph G. Defilippo. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 393-409
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Of Mice and Men in Aristotle. R. Renehan. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1994), pp. 245-255
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Alexander's Defense of Aristotle's "Categories". John Ellis. Phronesis. (1994), pp. 69-89
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A Sacred Ceremony in Honour of the Buttocks: Petronius, Satyrica 140.1-11. Costas Panayotakis. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 458-467
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Cyclical Metaphors and the Politics of Horace, "Odes" 1.4. Anthony Corbeill. The Classical World. (Nov. - Dec., 1994), pp. 91-106
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Can Tacitus' Dialogus Be Dated? Evidence and Historical Conclusions. C. O. Brink. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1994), pp. 251-280
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Ab ovo: Orpheus, Sanchuniathon, and the Origins of the Ionian World Model. M. L. West. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 289-307
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Georgics 1.181: Inludunt and the Scope of Vergilian Pessimism. William W. Batstone. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1994), pp. 261-268
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Othismos: The Importance of the Mass-Shove in Hoplite Warfare. Robert D. Luginbill. Phoenix. (Spring, 1994), pp. 51-61
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The Dialect Continuum of Ancient Greek. Margalit Finkelberg. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1994), pp. 1-36
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Values, Objectivity, and Dialectic; The Sceptical Attack on Ethics: Its Methods, Aims, and Success. R. J. Hankinson. Phronesis. (1994), pp. 45-68
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Indefinite Propositions and Anaphora in Stoic Logic. Paolo Crivelli. Phronesis. (1994), pp. 187-206
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Echoes of Herodotus in Thucydides: Self-Sufficiency, Admiration, and Law. Thomas F. Scanlon. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1994), pp. 143-176
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The Senate, Mark Antony, and Caesar's Legislative Legacy. John T. Ramsey. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 130-145
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The Significance of ὑγρὸν ὕδωρ in Anacreontic 33.22. Ian C. Martlew. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 277-278
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The Stoic Analysis of Tense and of Plural Propositions in Sextus Empiricus, Adversus Mathematicos x 99. Paolo Crivelli. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 490-499
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Ptolemy's Pythagoreans, Archytas, and Plato's Conception of Mathematics. Andrew Barker. Phronesis. (1994), pp. 113-135
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'No Second Troy': Topoi and Refoundation in Livy, Book V. Christina S. Kraus. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1994), pp. 267-289
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Academic Probabilism and Stoic Epistemology. James Allen. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 85-113
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Natural Fertility and Family Limitation in Roman Marriage. Bruce W. Frier. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1994), pp. 318-333
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Plural Worlds in Anaximander. Aryeh Finkelberg. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1994), pp. 485-506
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On the Wording of Heraclitus, Fragment 126. Roman Dilcher. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 276-277
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A Puzzle about the Possibility of Aristotelian enkrateia. Carol S. Gould. Phronesis. (1994), pp. 174-186
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The Homeric Way of War: The 'Iliad' and the Hoplite Phalanx (II). Hans Van Wees. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1994), pp. 131-155
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