marseille, gallia, langue, arles, entretiens, hardt, benoit, chantraine, glanum, zilao, provence, grecque, classique, flaminica, antiquite, banques, banque, rolland, quebec, prosop, gaul, nimes, gaule, flaminicae, narbonensis, ptol, latine, massalia, aries, oppida, rhone, bonifay, dictionnaire, affermees, etruriae, fiec, alpenprovinzen, alpes, chez, nemausus, bogaert, barruol, etera, kaiserpriesterin, priesterinnen, grabstein, pelletier, etrusque, congres, fondation
American Philological Association, 1875-6. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1876), pp. 1+3-52
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The Algonkin Verb. J. Hammond Trumbull. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1876), pp. 146-171
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