marseille, gallia, langue, arles, entretiens, hardt, benoit, chantraine, glanum, zilao, provence, grecque, classique, flaminica, antiquite, banques, banque, rolland, quebec, prosop, gaul, nimes, gaule, flaminicae, narbonensis, ptol, latine, massalia, aries, oppida, rhone, bonifay, dictionnaire, affermees, etruriae, fiec, alpenprovinzen, alpes, chez, nemausus, bogaert, barruol, etera, kaiserpriesterin, priesterinnen, grabstein, pelletier, etrusque, congres, fondation
Horace's First Bimillennium. Roy C. Flickinger. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1936), pp. 65-91
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Proceedings of the Sixty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Also of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1936), pp. i-cxi
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La Question De Troie: Homere Contre Hissarlik. Charles Vellay. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1936), pp. 289-304
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Correspondence. L. A. Post, B. P. Moore. Classical Review. (Feb., 1936), pp. 43-44
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Archaeological News and Discussions. David M. Robinson, Elizabeth Pierce Blegen. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1936), pp. 130-153
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Aristotle and the Koine-Notes on the Prepositions. P. T. Stevens. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1936), pp. 204-217
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Varia. J. D. Denniston. Classical Review. (Sep., 1936), pp. 115-117
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A. E. Housman. D. S. Robertson. Classical Review. (Sep., 1936), pp. 113-115
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Bibliography of Archaeological Books-1935. David M. Robinson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1936), pp. 296-300
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Plato's Theism. R. Hackforth. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1936), pp. 4-9
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