Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
marseille, gallia, langue, arles, entretiens, hardt, benoit, chantraine, glanum, zilao, provence, grecque, classique, flaminica, antiquite, banques, banque, rolland, quebec, prosop, gaul, nimes, gaule, flaminicae, narbonensis, ptol, latine, massalia, aries, oppida, rhone, bonifay, dictionnaire, affermees, etruriae, fiec, alpenprovinzen, alpes, chez, nemausus, bogaert, barruol, etera, kaiserpriesterin, priesterinnen, grabstein, pelletier, etrusque, congres, fondation


ΑΨΟΡΡΟΟϒ ΩΚΕΑΝΟΙΟ: A Babylonian Reminiscence?. Adrian Kelly. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2007), pp. 280-282 List themes Full text (39 theme words)
Feathers Flying: Avian Poetics in Hesiod, Pindar, and Callimachus. Deborah Steiner. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 2007), pp. 177-208 List themes Full text (8 theme words)
Marius Maximus in Ammianus and the Historia Augusta. M. Kulikowski. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2007), pp. 244-256 List themes Full text (8 theme words)
IG II² 2490, the Epakreis and the Pre-Cleisthenic Trittyes. Nikolaos Papazarkadas. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2007), pp. 22-32 List themes Full text (7 theme words)
Tacitus, Ptolemy and the River Forth. Andrew Breeze. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2007), pp. 324-328 List themes Full text (7 theme words)
Bronze for Gold: Subjectivity in Lucian's "Dialogues of the Courtesans". Kate Gilhuly. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 2007), pp. 59-94 List themes Full text (6 theme words)