marseille, gallia, langue, arles, entretiens, hardt, benoit, chantraine, glanum, zilao, provence, grecque, classique, flaminica, antiquite, banques, banque, rolland, quebec, prosop, gaul, nimes, gaule, flaminicae, narbonensis, ptol, latine, massalia, aries, oppida, rhone, bonifay, dictionnaire, affermees, etruriae, fiec, alpenprovinzen, alpes, chez, nemausus, bogaert, barruol, etera, kaiserpriesterin, priesterinnen, grabstein, pelletier, etrusque, congres, fondation
The Nature of the Latin Passive in the Light of Recent Discoveries. Edith Frances Claflin. American Journal of Philology. (1927), pp. 157-175
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Correspondence. J. F. Dobson. Classical Review. (May, 1927), pp. 94
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Proceedings of the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Also of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1927), pp. i-cxiv
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Some Literary Reminiscences in Ennodius's Life of Saint Epiphanius. Herbert Edward Mierow. The Classical Weekly. (May 9, 1927), pp. 195
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The So-Called Peisistratean Edition of Hesiod. T. A. Sinclair. Classical Quarterly. (Jun. - Oct., 1927), pp. 195-198
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Bibliography of Archaeological Books 1926. Edward H. Heffner. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1927), pp. 226-267
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Archaeological Discussions. Edward H. Heffner, E. P. B.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1927), pp. 186-225
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Atrox Fortuna. Marguerite Kretschmer. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1927), pp. 267-275
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The Faith of a Humanistic Philosopher. Margaret Y. Henry. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 3, 1927), pp. 75-80
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Cicero's Treatment of the Free Will Problem. Margaret Y. Henry. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1927), pp. 32-42
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