Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
aristotle, pleasure, virtue, action, justice, desire, pleasures, moral, things, happiness, ethics, pain, soul, virtues, goods, actions, desires, person, agent, eudaimonia, activity, rational, sake, sense, natural, plato, something, claim, ethical, pleasant, passage, kind, makes, wisdom, practical, virtuous, distinction, false, acts, choice, nicomachean_ethics, friendship, value, evil, mean, knowledge, courage, health, thing, goal


Aristotle's Subdivisions of 'Particular Justice'. D. G. Ritchie. Classical Review. (May, 1894), pp. 185-192 List themes Full text (721 theme words)
Critical Notes on the 'Republic' of Plato. (Continued). Herbert Richards. Classical Review. (May, 1894), pp. 192-195 List themes Full text (68 theme words)
Critical Notes on Clem. Al. Strom. III. Book III. J. B. Mayor. Classical Review. (Nov., 1894), pp. 385-391 List themes Full text (11 theme words)
A Collation of the Ancient Armenian Version of Plato's Laws. Books V and VI. F. C. Conybeare. American Journal of Philology. (1894), pp. 31-50 List themes Full text (5 theme words)