Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
aristotle, pleasure, virtue, action, justice, desire, pleasures, moral, things, happiness, ethics, pain, soul, virtues, goods, actions, desires, person, agent, eudaimonia, activity, rational, sake, sense, natural, plato, something, claim, ethical, pleasant, passage, kind, makes, wisdom, practical, virtuous, distinction, false, acts, choice, nicomachean_ethics, friendship, value, evil, mean, knowledge, courage, health, thing, goal


Aristotle's Classification of the Arts of Acquisition. J. Cook Wilson. Classical Review. (May, 1896), pp. 184-189 List themes Full text (98 theme words)
Bonhoeffer on the Stoic Philosophy. R. D. Hicks. Classical Review. (Mar., 1896), pp. 112-114 List themes Full text (14 theme words)
On the Western Text of the Acts as Evidenced by Chrysostom. Fred. C. Conybeare. American Journal of Philology. (1896), pp. 135-171 List themes Full text (12 theme words)
Cicero Pro Milone c. 33 ยง 90. A. E. Housman. Classical Review. (May, 1896), pp. 192-193 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Contributions to the Interpretation of the Veda.. Maurice Bloomfield. American Journal of Philology. (1896), pp. 399-437 List themes Full text (8 theme words)
Note on 'Republic' 597 E. B. Bosanquet. Classical Review. (May, 1896), pp. 193 List themes Full text (7 theme words)
The Minor Works of Xenophon. II. The Symposium. Xenophon, H. Richards. Classical Review. (Jul., 1896), pp. 292-295 List themes Full text (6 theme words)