Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
aristotle, pleasure, virtue, action, justice, desire, pleasures, moral, things, happiness, ethics, pain, soul, virtues, goods, actions, desires, person, agent, eudaimonia, activity, rational, sake, sense, natural, plato, something, claim, ethical, pleasant, passage, kind, makes, wisdom, practical, virtuous, distinction, false, acts, choice, nicomachean_ethics, friendship, value, evil, mean, knowledge, courage, health, thing, goal


Aristotle's De Anima. Paul Shorey. American Journal of Philology. (1901), pp. 149-164 List themes Full text (26 theme words)
Associated Reminiscences. Arthur Bernard Cook. Classical Review. (Oct., 1901), pp. 338-345 List themes Full text (12 theme words)
Plato, Lucretius, and Epicurus. Paul Shorey. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1901), pp. 201-210 List themes Full text (12 theme words)
Pindar's Accusative Constructions. Edward B. Clapp. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1901), pp. 16-42 List themes Full text (11 theme words)
Musonius in Clement. Charles Pomeroy Parker. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1901), pp. 191-200 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Apollo Smintheus, Rats, Mice, and Plague. A. Lang. Classical Review. (Jul., 1901), pp. 319-320 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Ὕστερα for before in Modern Greek. W. R. Paton. Classical Review. (Oct., 1901), pp. 363 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Proceedings of the Sessions of the American Philological Association Held at Philadelphia, Pa., Dec., 1900, and at Cambridge, Mass., July, 1901, Also of the Session of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held at San Francisco, Cal., Dec., 1900. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1901), pp. i-lxvii+lxix-clxxxiv List themes Full text (6 theme words)
Notes on Plutarch's Quaestiones Convivales [Bernardakis]. W. R. Paton. Classical Review. (Jun., 1901), pp. 250-251 List themes Full text (5 theme words)