aristotle, pleasure, virtue, action, justice, desire, pleasures, moral, things, happiness, ethics, pain, soul, virtues, goods, actions, desires, person, agent, eudaimonia, activity, rational, sake, sense, natural, plato, something, claim, ethical, pleasant, passage, kind, makes, wisdom, practical, virtuous, distinction, false, acts, choice, nicomachean_ethics, friendship, value, evil, mean, knowledge, courage, health, thing, goal
Two Passages of the Republic. H. W. Garrod. Classical Review. (May, 1906), pp. 209-212
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A Supposed Qualification for Election to the Spartan Senate. R. D. Hicks. Classical Review. (Feb., 1906), pp. 23-27
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Plato, Politicus 269 E-270 A: An Allusion to Zoroastrianism?. W. J. Goodrich. Classical Review. (May, 1906), pp. 208-209
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The Vedic Dative Reconsidered. E. Washburn Hopkins. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1906), pp. 87-120
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Dionysius Epistula AD Pompeium 775 R. Charles N. Smiley. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1906), pp. 413-414
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