narrator, narrative, philodemus, voice, ekphrasis, poem, reading, ecphrasis, text, discourse, speech, audience, visual, poet, reader, poetry, shield, language, painting, apostrophe, neoptolemus, poiesis, deixis, poetic, poems, representation, crates, story, characters, viewer, verbal, viewing, ekphrastic, sound, poiema, object, performance, jensen, craft, narratee, timomachus, deictic, primary, referent, silent, speaker, aloud, fictional, epos, mimetic
Ancient Reading. G. L. Hendrickson. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1929), pp. 182-196
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ΗΘΙΚΗ ΛΕΞΙΣ and Dinarchus. J. F. Lockwood. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1929), pp. 180-185
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The Loeb Classical Library Twenty-Four Recent Additions (Concluded). Charles Knapp. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 8, 1929), pp. 161-165
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