narrator, narrative, philodemus, voice, ekphrasis, poem, reading, ecphrasis, text, discourse, speech, audience, visual, poet, reader, poetry, shield, language, painting, apostrophe, neoptolemus, poiesis, deixis, poetic, poems, representation, crates, story, characters, viewer, verbal, viewing, ekphrastic, sound, poiema, object, performance, jensen, craft, narratee, timomachus, deictic, primary, referent, silent, speaker, aloud, fictional, epos, mimetic
Stylistic Qualities of the Apostrophe to Nature as a Dramatic Device. Anthony Pelzer Wagener. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1931), pp. 78-100
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Sextus Empiricus and the Arts. A. Philip McMahon. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1931), pp. 79-137
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Human Elements in Vitruvius, De Architectura. Earl LeV. Crum. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 19, 1931), pp. 89-92
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Plato Sophist 236 C and Laws 668 A ff.. Paul Shorey. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1931), pp. 323-324
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Philodemus on Homer. Alfred P. Dorjahn. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1931), pp. 457-458
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Homer's Attitude towards Water. John A. Scott. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1931), pp. 695-698
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Ancient Reading. W. P. Clark. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1931), pp. 698-700
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ΉΜΙΘΕΩΝ ΓΕΝΟΣ ΆΝΔΡΩΝ in M 23 and the Catalogues in B. Samuel E. Bassett. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1931), pp. 535-538
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Dismissing the Assembly in Homer. Samuel E. Bassett. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1931), pp. 458-460
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Proceedings of the Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Also of the Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1931), pp. i-cxxxiii
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Gadarenes in Pagan Literature. Moses Hadas. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 26, 1931), pp. 25-30
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The Place and Date of the First Performance of the Persians of Timotheus. Samuel E. Bassett. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1931), pp. 153-165
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