narrator, narrative, philodemus, voice, ekphrasis, poem, reading, ecphrasis, text, discourse, speech, audience, visual, poet, reader, poetry, shield, language, painting, apostrophe, neoptolemus, poiesis, deixis, poetic, poems, representation, crates, story, characters, viewer, verbal, viewing, ekphrastic, sound, poiema, object, performance, jensen, craft, narratee, timomachus, deictic, primary, referent, silent, speaker, aloud, fictional, epos, mimetic
Different Stories: Sophoclean Narrative(s) in the Philoctetes. Deborah H. Roberts. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1989), pp. 161-176
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Ancient Antecedents of Modern Literary Theory. G. A. K.. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1989), pp. 492-498
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Brief Reviews. R. B. Rutherford, D. P. Fowler, P. J. Rhodes, Thomas Wiedemann, B. A. Sparkes, Richard Wallace, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1989), pp. 95-133
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Greed and Sacrifice in Juvenal's Twelfth Satire. Warren S. Smith. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1989), pp. 287-298
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A Metrical Quotation in Julian's Symposium. Joel C. Relihan. Classical Quarterly. (1989), pp. 566-569
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Genre, Expectation, and Dramatic Criticism. James W. Halporn. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1989), pp. 628-634
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Procopius, Justinian and the Kataskopoi. A. D. Lee. Classical Quarterly. (1989), pp. 569-572
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Reading Performance Criticism. Simon Goldhill. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1989), pp. 172-182
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Elements of Style in Pindaric Break-Offs. William H. Race. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1989), pp. 189-209
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A Tale of Two Cities: The Miniature Frescoes from Thera and the Origins of Greek Poetry. Sarah P. Morris. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1989), pp. 511-535
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Neophron and Euripides' Medeia 1056-80. Ann N. Michelini. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1989), pp. 115-135
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Climactic Elements in Pindar's Verse. William H. Race. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1989), pp. 43-69
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The Use of Myth in Latin Epithalamia from Statius to Venantius Fortunatus. Michael Roberts. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1989), pp. 321-348
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Alternating Rhythm in Archaic Greek Poetry. Joel B. Lidov. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1989), pp. 63-85
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Ancient Views on the Causes of Bias in Historical Writing. T. J. Luce. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1989), pp. 16-31
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Apprehending Our Happiness: Antilepsis and the Middle Soul in Plotinus, "Ennead" I 4.10. H. S. Schibli. Phronesis. (1989), pp. 205-219
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Brief Reviews. R. B. Rutherford, Don Fowler, P. J. Rhodes, Thomas Wiedemann, B. A. Sparkes, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1989), pp. 230-258
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