statius, hercules, seneca, thyestes, silvae, thebaid, atreus, polynices, theb, octavia, eteocles, tydeus, adrastus, senecan, silv, tragedies, melior, silius, martial, play, jupiter, tantalus, zwierlein, etruscus, epic, duel, phaed, thebes, furens, plays, phaedra, tarrant, glaucias, thebais, lucan, tisiphone, juno, medea, vessey, brothers, theban, pollius, menoeceus, parthenopaeus, stuart, polla, stella, poem, nero, vindex
An Archaeological Study of the Antigone of Euripides. J. H. Huddilston. American Journal of Archaeology. (Mar. - Jun., 1899), pp. 183-201
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New Readings from the Freising Fragments of the Fables of Hyginus. George Dwight Kellogg. American Journal of Philology. (1899), pp. 406-411
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The Literary Discoveries of Poggio. A. C. Clark. Classical Review. (Mar., 1899), pp. 119-130
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On the Sequence after Ne Prohibitive. III. W. D. Geddes. Classical Review. (Feb., 1899), pp. 22-32
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Proceedings of the Thirty-First Annual Session of the American Philological Association Held in New York City, July, 1899. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1899), pp. i-cxxii
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