Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
statius, hercules, seneca, thyestes, silvae, thebaid, atreus, polynices, theb, octavia, eteocles, tydeus, adrastus, senecan, silv, tragedies, melior, silius, martial, play, jupiter, tantalus, zwierlein, etruscus, epic, duel, phaed, thebes, furens, plays, phaedra, tarrant, glaucias, thebais, lucan, tisiphone, juno, medea, vessey, brothers, theban, pollius, menoeceus, parthenopaeus, stuart, polla, stella, poem, nero, vindex


Eteocles, Polynices, and the Economics of Violence in Statius' "Thebaid". Neil Coffee. American Journal of Philology. (Oct. 1, 2006), pp. 415-452 List themes Full text (1262 theme words)
Achilles Tatius as a Reader of Sophocles. Vayos J. Liapis. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2006), pp. 220-238 List themes Full text (69 theme words)
Tiberius and the Taste of Power: The Year 33 in Tacitus. A. J. Woodman. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2006), pp. 175-189 List themes Full text (55 theme words)
Should the Aspiring Wise Man Travel? A Conflict in Seneca's Thought. Silvia Montiglio. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 2006), pp. 553-586 List themes Full text (36 theme words)
An Aspect of Leonidas' Reception in Later Epigrammatists and the Art of Variation: The Case of Fishermen's Epitaphs. Maria Ypsilanti. Classical Philology. (Jan., 2006), pp. 67-73 List themes Full text (32 theme words)
To Sit in Solemn Silence? "Thronosis" in Ritual, Myth, and Iconography. Radcliffe G. Edmonds III. American Journal of Philology. (Oct. 1, 2006), pp. 347-366 List themes Full text (28 theme words)
'Teleboes' and Others: On Some Mistaken Proper Names. Carlo Odo Pavese. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 2006), pp. 587-590 List themes Full text (27 theme words)
Vergil's Italian Diomedes. K. F. B. Fletcher. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 2006), pp. 219-259 List themes Full text (22 theme words)
Divum Inclementia in Vergil, Aeneid 2. 602. Helen Gasti. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 2006), pp. 629-630 List themes Full text (12 theme words)
The Second Appendix to Probus. F. J. Barnett. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2006), pp. 257-278 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
What Was Socrates Called?. Lowell Edmunds. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 2006), pp. 414-425 List themes Full text (7 theme words)
Eloquence under the Triumvirs. Josiah Osgood. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 2006), pp. 525-551 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
Amnesty and Accoutings for the Thirty. Edwin Carawan. Classical Quarterly. (May, 2006), pp. 57-76 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
Buttons and Wooden Swords: Polybius 10.20.3, Livy 26.51, and the "Rudis". Michael J. Carter. Classical Philology. (Apr., 2006), pp. 153-160 List themes Full text (5 theme words)