statius, hercules, seneca, thyestes, silvae, thebaid, atreus, polynices, theb, octavia, eteocles, tydeus, adrastus, senecan, silv, tragedies, melior, silius, martial, play, jupiter, tantalus, zwierlein, etruscus, epic, duel, phaed, thebes, furens, plays, phaedra, tarrant, glaucias, thebais, lucan, tisiphone, juno, medea, vessey, brothers, theban, pollius, menoeceus, parthenopaeus, stuart, polla, stella, poem, nero, vindex
Seneca's Agamemnon. William M. Calder, III. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 27-36
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Statius to His Wife: Silvae III.5. D. W. T. Vessey. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1976 - Jan., 1977), pp. 134-140
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Seneca: Tragedian of Imperial Rome. William M. Calder III. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1976), pp. 1-11
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Ethics and Allegory in the Proem of the Fifth Book of Lucretius' "De Rerum Natura". Zola Marie Packman. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1976), pp. 206-212
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Silius Italicus, Cataphracti, and the Date of Q. Curtius Rufus. J. Rufus Fears. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1976), pp. 214-223
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Aspects of Valerius Flaccus' Use of Similes. John G. Fitch. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1976), pp. 113-124
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Twelve Years of Propertian Scholarship: 1960-1972 (Numbers in Parentheses Refer to Bibliographical Items). William R. Nethercut. The Classical World. (Feb., 1976), pp. 289-309
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A Traditional Pattern of Imitation in Sallust and His Sources. R. Renehan. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 97-105
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Polu pragmosune and "Minding One's Own Business": A Study in Greek Social and Political Values. A. W. H. Adkins. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1976), pp. 301-327
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Notes on Some Passages of Lucan. A. Hudson-Williams. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1976), pp. 130-137
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Jupiter Blaze, Gods of the Hills, and the Roman Topography of CIL VI 377. Robert E. A. Palmer. American Journal of Archaeology. (Winter, 1976), pp. 43-56
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Epic Themes in Propertius II.9. Nancy Wiggers. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1976), pp. 367-374
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Cynthivs. Wendell Clausen. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1976), pp. 245-247
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Studies in Greek Lyric Poetry: 1967-1975. Douglas E. Gerber. The Classical World. (Oct., 1976), pp. 65-157
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A Study in Incoherence: The First Book of Tacitus' Histories. B. Walker. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1976), pp. 113-118
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