statius, hercules, seneca, thyestes, silvae, thebaid, atreus, polynices, theb, octavia, eteocles, tydeus, adrastus, senecan, silv, tragedies, melior, silius, martial, play, jupiter, tantalus, zwierlein, etruscus, epic, duel, phaed, thebes, furens, plays, phaedra, tarrant, glaucias, thebais, lucan, tisiphone, juno, medea, vessey, brothers, theban, pollius, menoeceus, parthenopaeus, stuart, polla, stella, poem, nero, vindex
The Historical Infinitive III. Imitation and Decline. J. J. Schlicher. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1915), pp. 54-74
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The So-Called Callium Provincia. John C. Rolfe. American Journal of Philology. (1915), pp. 323-331
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Proceedings of the Forty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association Held at Princeton, N. J., December, 1915. Also of the July and November Meetings of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held Respectively at Berkeley and San Francisco, California 1915. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1915), pp. i-lxxxii
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