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A Reply to the Preceding. J. Cook Wilson. Classical Review. (Apr., 1889), pp. 183-184
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Appendix: Proceedings of Twenty-First Annual Session, Easton, Pa., 1889. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1889), pp. i-lxix
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On the Review of Mr. Archer-Hind's Edition of the Timaeus. R. D. Archer-Hind. Classical Review. (Apr., 1889), pp. 181-183
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The Pennsylvania German Dialect. M. D. Learned. American Journal of Philology. (1889), pp. 288-315
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Latin Greek and Graeco-Latin Glossaries. H. Nettleship. Classical Review. (Apr., 1889), pp. 181
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Notes and Emendations on Aeschylus Sept. C. Thebas (I.). Thos. G. Tucker. Classical Review. (Mar., 1889), pp. 102-106
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The Aegis of Athene. A. S. Murray. Classical Review. (Jun., 1889), pp. 283-284
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Old Latin Palimpsest of the Acts and Apocalypse. F. J. A. Hort. Classical Review. (Apr., 1889), pp. 181
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