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Bibliography of Archaeological Books 1928. Edward H. Heffner. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1929), pp. 265-333
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The Classical Roman Name in Historical Fiction. Frederic S. Dunn. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1929), pp. 285-290
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Viscount Bryce and the Classics. Charles Knapp. The Classical Weekly. (May 13, 1929), pp. 202
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ΑΠΑΞ, ΟΥΔ̓ ΑΠΑΞ, and Other Notes on Words. Edgar Lobel. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1929), pp. 118-119
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More on Donatus' Commentary on Virgil. J. J. Savage. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1929), pp. 56-59
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Vergil and the Maze. W. F. J. Knight. Classical Review. (Dec., 1929), pp. 212-213
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On Direct and Indirect Discourse. E. Adelaide Hahn. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 4, 1929), pp. 131-132
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Three Etymologies in Early Celtic. Louis H. Gray. American Journal of Philology. (1929), pp. 370-372
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Proceedings of the Sixty-First Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Also of the Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1929), pp. i-xciv
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