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The Stag-Messenger Episode. M. B. Ogle. American Journal of Philology. (1916), pp. 387-416
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Proceedings of the Forty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association Held at St. Louis, Mo., December, 1916. Also of the Eighteenth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Held at San Francisco, Cal., December, 1916. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1916), pp. i-xciv
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Illogical Idiom. Paul Shorey. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1916), pp. 205-234
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On an Alleged New Fragment of Epimenides. J. U. Powell. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1916), pp. 139-142
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Dr. Thompson's Address. Robert Thompson. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 23, 1916), pp. 25-26
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Euripides Furens. J. F. Dobson. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1916), pp. 136-139
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Vürtheimianum. D. Erasmus. Classical Review. (Jun., 1916), pp. 128
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The Homeric Hymns. III. T. L. Agar. Classical Review. (May, 1916), pp. 65-67
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