Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
dance, music, song, dancing, chorus, lyre, musical, performance, songs, singing, dances, choral, sing, dancers, dithyramb, aulos, sung, performed, instrument, flute, dancer, muses, solo, voice, lawler, opera, choruses, hymn, dithyrambic, lillian, accompaniment, athenaeus, barbitos, instruments, sound, lasus, hyporcheme, playing, pantomime, an_opera, ballet, harmonia, harp, pyrrhic, sirens, hyperion, singers, muse, nomos, mundi


New Interpretations of Aristophanes Frogs 1249-1328. E. K. Borthwick. Phoenix. (Spring, 1994), pp. 21-41 List themes Full text (268 theme words)
Subject and Circumstance in Sappho's Poetry. André Lardinois. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1994), pp. 57-84 List themes Full text (197 theme words)
Homer Sings the Blues. A. J. Whittaker. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1994), pp. 19-22 List themes Full text (68 theme words)
Subject Reviews. Jenny March, Duncan F. Kennedy, John Salmon, Thomas Wiedemann, B. A. Sparkes, Richard Wallace, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1994), pp. 82-117 List themes Full text (45 theme words)
The Failure of Orpheus. John Heath. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1994), pp. 163-196 List themes Full text (40 theme words)
Interactive Offerings: Early Greek Dedicatory Epigrams and Ritual. Joseph W. Day. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1994), pp. 37-74 List themes Full text (29 theme words)
Greek Drama in a Field of Dreams. Karelisa Hartigan. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1994), pp. 373-387 List themes Full text (26 theme words)
Structure and Design in Horace "Odes" 1. 17. Michael C. J. Putnam. The Classical World. (May - Jun., 1994), pp. 357-375 List themes Full text (25 theme words)
Copies and Models in Horace "Odes" 4.1 and 4.2. Gregory Nagy. The Classical World. (May - Jun., 1994), pp. 415-426 List themes Full text (23 theme words)
Socratic Magic: Enchantment, Irony, and Persuasion in Plato's Dialogues. Michelle Gellrich. The Classical World. (Mar. - Apr., 1994), pp. 275-307 List themes Full text (23 theme words)
Alcman's Partheneion: Legend and Choral Ceremony. E. Robbins. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 7-16 List themes Full text (19 theme words)
Jason and Orpheus: Euripides Medea 543. M. R. Mezzabotta. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1994), pp. 47-50 List themes Full text (19 theme words)
Common Sense in Catullus 64. Roger Rees. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1994), pp. 75-88 List themes Full text (18 theme words)
Where Ion Stood, What Ion Sang. Timothy W. Boyd. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1994), pp. 109-121 List themes Full text (17 theme words)
Cold Meats: Timokreon on Themistokles. Eva M. Stehle. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1994), pp. 507-524 List themes Full text (16 theme words)
Eros and Military Command in Xenophon. Clifford Hindley. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 347-366 List themes Full text (14 theme words)
Virtuous Toil, Vicious Work: Xenophon on Aristocratic Style. Steven Johnstone. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1994), pp. 219-240 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
Corpus Eroticum: Elegiac Poetics and Elegiac Puellae in Ovid's "Amores". A. M. Keith. The Classical World. (Sep. - Oct., 1994), pp. 27-40 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
Subject Reviews. Jenny March, Duncan F. Kennedy, John Salmon, Thomas Wiedemann, B. A. Sparkes, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1994), pp. 220-255 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
Pindar's Second Paean: Civic Identity on Parade. Carol Dougherty. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1994), pp. 205-218 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
An Oxyrhynchus Fragment on Harmonic Theory. Andrew Barker. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 75-84 List themes Full text (12 theme words)
'Prometheus Vinctus' on the Athenian Stage. John Davidson. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1994), pp. 33-40 List themes Full text (11 theme words)
Lyric's "Elegos" and the Aristotelian Mean: Horace, "C." 1.24, 1.33, and 2.9. Michèle Lowrie. The Classical World. (May - Jun., 1994), pp. 377-394 List themes Full text (10 theme words)
A Repertory of English Words with Classical Suffixes: Part IV. James H. Dee. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1994), pp. 275-280 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Immovable Delos: Aeneid 3.73-98 and the Hymns of Callimachus. Alessandro Barchiesi. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 438-443 List themes Full text (8 theme words)
The Labour of Women in Classical Athens. Roger Brock. Classical Quarterly. (1994), pp. 336-346 List themes Full text (7 theme words)
The Dais of Death. Jenny Strauss Clay. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1994), pp. 35-40 List themes Full text (7 theme words)
Pudenda Asiae Minoris. Andrew Garrett, Leslie Kurke. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1994), pp. 75-83 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
Literary Evidence for Macedonian Speech. Nicholas G. L. Hammond. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1994), pp. 131-142 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
Callimachus, Apollonius, and the Poetics of Mud. Ahuvia Kahane. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1994), pp. 121-133 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
Attis on Greek Votive Monuments; Greek God or Phrygian?. Lynn E. Roller. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1994), pp. 245-262 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
Alexander's Defense of Aristotle's "Categories". John Ellis. Phronesis. (1994), pp. 69-89 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
A Geographical Setting for the Baucis and Philemon Legend (Ovid Metamorphoses 8.611-724). C. P. Jones. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1994), pp. 203-223+I-IV List themes Full text (5 theme words)